portland error


I am trying to do a flight from Pearson out of the flightzone 2 scenery package. It starts to load; gets to 53% and crashes out. How do I trouble shoot this?

Is it the first flight after you installed this scenery? Normally this is typcally an conflict, in my experience in most cases with textures or AI. The only advise I can offer is to uninstall. Check whether the problem is gone without the scenery and re-install the scenery again.

If you can get a fresh download, install this fresh download.

If this doesn't work you can try to give the scenery a higher or lower priority in the scenery list.

I hope this will work for you,

No I used to fly out of there all the time. I saw that there was a new version of Pearson for FSX/P3D and wanted to see how much different it was. I will try the uninstall reinstall deal, but I tried disabling the scenery and still got the same issue. Im going to poke around at it some more and see if I can figure out what is the offending culprit.

Well I think its a texture problem as I can go to the same airport at night and have no problems. Im going to try a different season too and try and isolate it some more.
