Positioning of the AI Mk iv radar in a Defiant Mk ii cockpit


I have been searching for photos or drawings as to where this might have been. I sort of think on the starboard side. Anyone any ideas and who might have the source files for the Mk. II as several people were involved with the Mk. II NF. It could be of interest as there might be a sort of working AI Mk iv in the pipeline.:wiggle:
The radar-equipped Mk.II model we have has a radar box immediately to the left of the pilot's seat. Obviously the two displays don't work. It would be cool if Steve's working radar box he made could be installed in its place. Source files and permission would be required.
I thought the Defiant II's used the A.I. mkVI ??

Having said that , I will make the A.I. mkIV source available when the radar package is released.
All sounds excellent as in fact the Defiant was the No. 1 successful NF ac until the Beaufighter stepped up in late 1941.
Just took a look, seems like the AI Mk.IV is the correct radar for the Defiant NF Mk.II. Also, seems like some Mk.Is were radar equipped as well, being designated Defiant NF Mk.IA.
Hey Dan. What is that in the pilot notes or something? Hard to imagine the pilot operating the mkiv AI set while flying.

James , were those Defiant victories by AI enabled aircraft? I know the Defiiants flew many cats eye missions.

@ Steve. The Mk II was equipped with the AI Mk iv by Autumn 1941 at least, so maybe most of the successes during the heavy Blitz months were without. It must have been quite a good pilot to operate it as they did though.
I don't have any primary sources on it, my Defiant pilots notes are only for the Mk.I, so no mention of radar. I have seen some secondhand references on the internet saying the display was in the pilot's cockpit. There is a copy of Mk.II pilots notes available for purchase online if anyone is wanting to pursue this further.
AI radar

The use of the radar and it success was a slow start. Both the axis and allies had AI early on, but Becker in a do215 B-5 in August 41. The first AI success of the War occurred on the night ofJuly 22/23rd 1940, for a Blenheim. The Blitz July-Sept 1940 so sets would have been few and with pilot skill low. So few successful intercepts at best.
I would assume where the 2 non working displays are in the MkII? Strange, but I've yet to find a good photo of the port side.
Yes, the one that has the radar aerials in the external model has the radar scopes in the cockpit.
James, interesting timeline since wiki states mkvi AI was installed in Defiant II starting in August 41 though it turned out the the system needed further refinement.
Just realized I do have a copy of the Mk.II notes I'd forgotten about. As I suspected, the information about the radar was cryptic and incomplete - since this was top secret equipment at the time. No good leads turned up there unfortunately.
Thanks for taking a look Dan.

From what I read it looks like it was a priority to get the AI mkVI units into the Defiant II's. They only got a few months of use before the Defiant was withdrawn from frontline service.There was only one E/A claimed destroyed though that is not verified in modern records.