Possible graphics card upgrade


Charter Member
I'm sure this question's been asked repeatedly around here, but I've always had trouble searching by keywords. I'm pretty happy with my computer other than the onboard graphics. I get between 40-48 fps in VC mode with everything maxed out other than having to use 2D clouds. Processor is an AMD 3.2Ghz quad core, 8Gb of RAM, and onboard ATI Radeon 4200 graphics. It's always been my understanding that FS2004's frame rates depend mostly on the processor. Would getting a dedicated graphics card be any help with using 3D clouds (and VC rain effects), and could it actually increase my frame rates at all? GeForce or Radeon? I'm not looking to spend an arm and a leg. Thanks.

For what it's worth, the best jump in performance I saw was going up to a 3.0 processor and I always thought a graphics card was second to processor speed simply for frame rates. Looks like your Ram is more than adequate if you're running XP and I think it's pretty much a toss up between the card brands you mention. Everyone here has a favorite I'm sure but someone might chime in and comment on graphics card memory in particular. Mine has 1G of memory and I figured that has to help.
Thanks, aeromed. I forgot to say I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. The 3D clouds issue has always bothered me, lots of stutters and a drop of 20fps or more with scattered clouds. I was never sure if a graphics card would help, just thought it was worth asking. Looks like I can get a GeForce 6100 with 1Gb memory for $39.99 or a 6300 with 1Gb for $59.99 on eBay. I won't go much higher than that without knowing whether it would help. I'm cheap by nature. ;)

Okay, I bought my GeForce 630, and am thrilled that I can now run full screen with 3D clouds at 100%. I like to see what my CPU and GPU are doing while I fly, and have a little transparent monitoring widget that shows temps, loads, etc.. Only problem is that it is hidden by the full-screen FS9, even though I clicked the "always on top" option for the temperature monitor. I don't want to go back to windowed mode, even with just the title bar at the top. Any Windows 7 experts out there that have a solution to put the widget on top? Thanks.

not a hope.

MSFS "Full Screen" mode takes over from anything you may set. It's nothing to do with W7 as the same flaw existed from day 1. Adding a second monitor will not help if you insist on using Full Screen as it also defeats any secondary output (second monitor becomes non-functional).

If you want the maximum viewing area for FS the alternative is to run in Windowed mode with FS 'maximized' ( it is a Windows program after all...) and this also allows a second monitor which can be a blessing for secondary programs (like FSNav, AFSD, etc) or 2D popup windows while flying
That's what I was afraid of. Guess I'll have to stick with FS2004 maximized with the title bar at the top, at least until I can feel comfortable I'm not going to burn up my computer. GPU never runs over 50C and 67% load, so I don't think I'm in any danger. Thanks.
