Possible to Convert CFS2 Aircraft into CFS1?


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Hi All,

Recently, I tried loading CFS2 Aircraft into CFS1. When I tried loading the Aircraft, it came up and says “This is not a Flight Simulator Model 98 Model”, and proceeds to fill the preview screen with black. This error also happens when loading CFS1 Aircraft into FS98.

All help appreciated,
You have to keep in mind that you can use in a sim aircraft from another more ancient sim, but not one from a more recent sim.

So, you can convert FS98 aircraft into CFS1, FS2000 (or FS98/CFS1) aircraft into CFS2, but not FS2000/CFS2 aircraft into CFS1 nor CFS1 aircraft into FS98.

Always remember this order: FS98 > CFS1 > FS2000 > CFS2 > FS2002
You cannot go backward.
What you said seems to be regarding unmodifed CFS2 Aircraft. But, would it be possible to convert them via the use of an external program?
Hello Garbs,

In general, I believe the answer is No.
In some very limited cases depending on the tool used to create the model, it may be possible to do something but it is unlikely.
The cases I am thinking of are models that may have been built with AD2000 and were originally for CFS1 and then modified for CFS2.

In the general case, even if you can get the model to appear in the aircraft selection, the textures probably will not because CFS1 is limited to 256x256 bit textures.
The model itself probably will not display correctly because CFS1 uses an earlier version of DirectX and must have all viewing planes (Glue) defined in the model itself. The result is that the model will look like an X-ray view of an aircraft with many internal parts viewable from outside.

That means that even if it is a AD2000 model originally intended for CFS, unless you have the CFS textures, the CFS2 textures are not likely to map correctly. It may be possible to go through the model's code to correct the mapping but it would be tedious at best.

Just as a matter of note, most of us here actually build with Aircraft Factory 99 which builds models for Flight Simulator 98 and not for Combat Flight Simulator. That is why animations don't work in multi player and bomb loads don't work at all.
We do some limited corrections in the SCASM code to make things not so ugly but the models are still basically for FS98.

Hope that makes sense.

- Ivan.

P.S. Just out of curiosity, what is is that you are looking for in CFS1?
Thanks for the reply Ivan.

I completely understand what you said, and I was expecting an answer somewhere along the lines of that. I’m looking to mod the CFS2 Pacific Theatre into CFS1, as I lost my CFS2 copy long ago.

Best Wishes,
Hello Garbs,

I believe there was also a bunch of CFS1 Pacific Theater packages.
If you let me know what specific aeroplanes you need, I might be able to assist.

In fact, I was working on some updates to my A6M2 Model 21 Zero fighter just a few minutes ago.
I had to take a break to put my cell phone back on the charger when the battery started running low.
(I was taking pictures of the animation sequences in Aircraft Animator because the edits are very likely to require redoing all the animation and SCASM work from scratch.)

- Ivan.
Hi Ivan,

I’ve recently found these add-Ons. I’m not one to look far into old Simulators, so thanks for your advice.
Apologies for the late reply,

Hello Garbs,

I just thought I would make the offer if you were interested. Many of us here have been accumulating aircraft for years.
I have several hundred flyable aircraft loaded on either my Development or Game machine so there is a good chance if you are looking for something fairly common, one of us may have it handy.

Take Care.
- Ivan.
Hi Ivan,

Thanks a lot for your quick and kind response. I’m not really sure what’s out there in terms of CFS1 aircraft, as I haven’t loaded it up for 20 years! I really just want a large Pacific and European theatre, and would prefer some existing CfS2 aircraft, because I’ve seen a hell of a lot more CFS2 stuff than CFS1.

Take Care,
Hello Garbs,

What is available in the stock aircraft for CFS1 is pretty poor. There are plenty of very good add-on aircraft that are available in various places.
There are probably about 20 pretty good ones on this site alone. Simviation is also a pretty good place to look.

If you review the subjects of the threads over the last year or two in this forum, you will find a few recently developed aircraft that are fairly good. If the designs are mine and cannot be found here, they most likely can be found at "The Free Flight Site".
If something I released can't be found there, just contact me and I will attempt to get you a working copy.

Let us know if there is something specific you are looking for and maybe we can help.

- Ivan.
Hi Ivan,

Thanks for so much info. I usually fly modern simulators, so I’m not used being round here. Is there a specific place I can download all of your stuff (except the free flight site, I’ve got everything from there)

Hello Garbs,

I had to think about this one a bit. I don't think there is actually a place that everything I have ever released can still be downloaded.
Everything I have ever released WAS uploaded here over the years, but some of it has been archived and disappeared.
Also, I figure that about 1/3 to 1/2 of my projects have never been released because they still are incomplete in one aspect or another.
I am also not real good about keeping everything current, so many released aircraft have had some updates on my Development machine.
They just aren't updated to the point that I consider them "ready" for another release and often the limitations for updates are my lack of knowledge.

- Ivan.
Ah, alright.

Also- I’ve had a problem with some aircraft models. These planes are made by AlphaSim (now Virtavia), and work on Fs98 when I look at the manual. When I try to put them into Fs98/CFS1, they don’t load and the view-window goes black.

Best Wishes, Garbs.
Hello Garbs,

If there is something in particular that you know I released at some point or that looked like it was close to ready, let me know and I will see if I can put together something to send to you. No guarantees though.
There are a bunch that what I have is currently no better than what I released years ago such as the FW 190A. I learned a lot while working on the recent P-39 project and haven't quite translated it into updates for the 190, so what I have in development is better but not really right either.

If the AlphaSim / Virtavia stuff is downloadable somewhere, send me the link and I will check it out. If it is freeware / shareware, just email it to me.
If it isn't, I am not really sure I can help other than to give some advice:
You might try swapping in pieces of a working aircraft that is similar and see if that fixes the problem.

- Ivan.