Power Project V1.0


Retired SOH Admin
Just came across this package over on Simviation.com. It's by Ray Porter. I am pasting in info as seen on Simv.

Edited version of FSX Power Project V3.0. The scenery places 28,000+ electricity pylons in the UK - visible with photo-real terrain scenery textures. All England / Wales scenery aligns with 'Just Flight VFR Photo Scenery'. More than 6,000 animated wind turbines and about 100 power stations, with smoke/steam effects are positioned around the World. German Niederaussem coal power station + Las Llanas de Codés wind farm, Spain pictured

Am downloading it now to give it a test. Anyone using this?

You DO need the VFR photo scenery UK!
Otherwise you end up like me, with a power station and wind turbines in the Thames, and some unsightly round storage tanks in the English Channel!
FS2004 Power Project Design Concept.

FS2004 Power Project v1 was adapted from FSX Power v3 which was designed using FSX SDK/FSX Object Placement Tool + Google Earth. This works fine in FSX whose ground texture coordinates are relatively close to the real world, but unfortunately FS2004 ground coordinates have a non-linear offset; i.e. the offset is not consistent.
To adapt the Project to FS2004 required some changes to the effects parameters and custom object textures before recompiling the source data with the 2004 SDK. This left the scenery objects positioned to real world (or Google Earth) coordinates. This is not a problem with most photo-real scenery ground textures, as they also align with the real world, but placement errors will be noticed close to coastlines and rivers with the default FS2004.
Power Project was designed to be adaptable to users' needs by allowing unwanted scenery objects or effects to be removed. For example, if a power station is shut down, its effect bgl file can be removed leaving the 'dead' power station still visible.
All UK scenery bgl file names are preceded by UK_. So try removing UK_Shoreham, UK_Littlebrook, UK_FordMotors, UK_TilburyB & UK_KingsNorth bgls from the FS2004 power project_objects folder.
Ray Porter.