Prepar3d 2.5 is out


Charter Member
Prepar3d 2.5 full install (remember, no patch this time) released this afternoon, US east coast time.

I won't be among the early adopters - am waiting for third-party compatibility and maybe a hardware upgrade - but will be eager to hear early reports. Please share!
Thanks for the info,I'm gonna sit on the sidelines and let the dust settle until I do Full Install.
Same here. . . .2.4 is awesome and my days of full-time simming have dwindled so I see no reason to jump on any updates anymore really. Also, just in reading bits and pieces of what's in this one. . .probably nothing earth shattering enough to make me want it. . .or need it.
People seem to be reporting good performance, though it's hard to tell in early hours if that's legit since they mostly haven't overloaded it with add-ons yet.

Speaking of which... I think that when I do get around to installing it, I'm going to try to keep a promise to myself and keep the installation relatively clean. Am tired of managing truckloads of performance-taxing products, and of having a setup that's so complex that reinstalling seems like an enormous burden. So maybe this time, I'll limit myself to a few good planes/airports/textures.

Of course, I've told myself that before...
Having gone through numerous installs of the various earlier builds, I'll wait until the various add-ons update to 2.5 compatible before doing another re-install.
Seems like this usually takes about four or five weeks, depending on the author(s). I'm quite pleased with 2.4 integration with my current setup and am not to anxious to tackle another major install.
I also put the update on a hold.
I'm in the middle of a scenery design project and making a full install with all the update changes needed afterwards will throw me off the schedule.

Seems like everyone has a reason to hold off the install of 2.5. Mine is the fact that I am slowly building a new system so I have a good reason to hold and install a clean 2.5 once ready. The timing of this release could not have been better for me.
I'll be trying it out tonight. As long as FSUIPC is working, that's enough for me! Apart from ASN, I don't think I've got any other addons that will need an immediate update.
Looks like there's a topic on the OrbX forums telling that 2.5 creates some problems with ObjectFlow and FTX Central.
These two will be updated soon to match the P3D v2.5 requirements.
Sounds like P3Dv2.5 and FSX Steam share issue's with FTX products. Think I'll wait a bit before going to 2.5.
Awaiting download to finish. Orbx or any addon is not a priorty for me. Smooth simming is! :adoration: Maybe one... Corsica!
Any Change to Default Aircraft in v2.5 ?

Just wonder if LM changed the default AC lineup in P3D v2.5 ? I did download 2.5 last night but on hold until ORBX changes their Objects Library and FTX Central to make them work properly . Very satisfied with 2.4 and not in a real big hurry to go through another big full installation . From what I've read about the changes , the runway lights and several other issues might be worth taking the leap . I can't remember what forum someone commented It was running pretty smooth . I'm sure it will all get worked out and I'll make the big leap .

Your question just reminded me that I should make some backup copies of the FSX default planes that don't exist in P3D...
I plan to finally uninstall completely FSX and all sceneries to start a fresh clean install of P3D only. It would be a shame to lose some of the non-downloadable FSX planes.
Some mention the new radar in the F-22 is very nice. Not the type of aircraft I'm interested in, but if jets... more like F-86 and 707 are my speed.

well I installed the 2.5 and noticed one thing strange...I took off in an F-22, then changed to an Airbus, and when I did the controls went all squirrelly, so i reset the flight and the controls wouldn't work at all.
davido53, I suspect this is a controller issue not with P3D v2.5. I did the full install and to my surprise this seems to be the very best version of Prepar3D yet. It is so smooth I get about 2 FPS variation with the setting at 33. Rarely below 31 but mostly 33. I have always had a single stutter about every 30 seconds. This is gone. Now waiting for ORBX to bring out the compatibility software for Global, Vector, Pilot, the large area software and local airfields. Don't install any of these until the updates come out. I tried it but had to reinstall P3D v2.5. My own produced photo real scenery works very well. LM has a winner here.
davido53, I suspect this is a controller issue not with P3D v2.5. I did the full install and to my surprise this seems to be the very best version of Prepar3D yet. It is so smooth I get about 2 FPS variation with the setting at 33. Rarely below 31 but mostly 33. I have always had a single stutter about every 30 seconds. This is gone. Now waiting for ORBX to bring out the compatibility software for Global, Vector, Pilot, the large area software and local airfields. Don't install any of these until the updates come out. I tried it but had to reinstall P3D v2.5. My own produced photo real scenery works very well. LM has a winner here.

Thanks for your comments Tom . So Truk , Marianas , Iwo Jima , Chichi Jima all work in V2.5 ?

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Tom Stovall, have you installed the F-14 yet and how's the performance in 2.5?

Best regards
Good point Dag, I have been messing with my Just Flight Traffic360 since the install with little success. I will install the Aerosoft F-14 now. Back soon.

Installed the Aerosoft F-14 with no problems. My first impressions are:

1. The external version with the exhaust smoke causes a dramatic drop in FPS. Once in flight or moving down the runway this goes away completely. FPS back up to a fixed 33 with a variation at the most 2 FPS with the external view. This is flying out of Jim's Fallon NAS.
2. The cockpit causes a drop of about 10 FPS which is about the same that I get in FSX.
3. The payload manager works better than in P3D v2.4. I had issues with the x's showing up in the manager. The load out was on the aircraft but the issue seemed to be with the manager. This is not a problem now.
4. Have not loaded TacPack yet but will be doing so later today hopefully.

Got Just Flight Traffic360 installed finally. All works perfectly. Had to find the SimObject.cfg file. P3D v2.5 has moved many of their cfg files to a different location. The SimObject entries in the P3D.cfg [Main] file just don't work and are not there. All is in ProgramData now.

Hope this helps.
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Here is a pic from Prepar3D v2.5 with HD Lighting turned off. Too dark with this turned on. The aircraft A2A Corsair and the scenery is some photo real I made of Midway Island. If all goes well with the Orbx installers I may transition completely to P3D.
