. . . . .At least not for me it isn't. I've uninstalled P3D for the time being and possibly when the next version is released I'll reinstall and update it to see if it's worth keeping. I was able, for the most part, to separate P3D from FSX. Why they seemed to want to interact I have yet to figure out. At any rate, the last hold out seemed to be the scenery.cfg/Scenery Library. Every change I made in FSX to repair the mess P3D made was mirrored in P3D. When I would add a group of sceneries in FSX, those same sceneries appeared in P3D (I wasn't using any migration tool either). Anyway, the real clincher was that after P3D was completely uninstalled I went back to start adding all the scenery that had been wiped out of FSX (All of Orbx, UTX, Payware, etc.) and what I found was that the original Scenery Library was back, as though nothing had ever happened. Same with the scenery.cfg file. . .all entries intact as though I'd never touched it. . . . .aaaaand, when I looked at the Lockheed Martin folder to delete any remaining files after the uninstall, there as one file left in the main folder. . . .fsx.exe, size "0kb" with the P3D icon showing.:salute: