Prevented to work on my PC.

Andreas Becker

Members +
Dear sim-community. Currently, I'm facing immense difficulties to use my pc. My wife repeatedly finds something to stop me whilst constructing aircrafts or playing with my Flight-Sims. Therefore, I am henceforth no longer be able to finish the scheduled aircrafts, like DHA Drover, Fokker F-36, the LEMV Airliner and more. I have to apologize to all the guys, who were waiting for the aircrafts. Maybe I will be able to start working on the projects, when the worst is over. Sorry to all of you. Flyandy Andreas Becker
Marriage and Flight Sim

Dear sim-community. Currently, I'm facing immense difficulties to use my pc. My wife repeatedly finds something to stop me whilst constructing aircrafts or playing with my Flight-Sims. Therefore, I am henceforth no longer be able to finish the scheduled aircrafts, like DHA Drover, Fokker F-36, the LEMV Airliner and more. I have to apologize to all the guys, who were waiting for the aircrafts. Maybe I will be able to start working on the projects, when the worst is over. Sorry to all of you. Flyandy Andreas Becker

Mr. Becker, a good marriage and a happy family are worth more than all the real airplanes and computers in the world. I hope you will realize that and take appropriate steps. Good luck to you.