I know I sound like a wet blanket but over R500 (South African money) for a game is a bit steep.
While I have no doubt the quality is great and I respect the effort I am not prepared to pay almost double the normal price for a game. The average price of a pc game in South Africa is R299 and a top rated game comes in at between R329 and R400 (fallout 3).
After a few months the price drops to around R150 to R250 for an older game.
While I understand you cannot be country specific with your pricing you have to be realistic.
I will get the game when the price drops as I am sure it will or I will end up flying Rise of Flight which will be affordable.
Please do not take this as offensive or view it as critical. I just think you will sell more if the game is cheaper.
When I initialy pre-ordered the game the exchange rate was R300 to $50 which was reasonable.
The dollar has strengthened yet your pricing has not reflected this. Please understand where I am coming from. You would have made R300 out of me last year, now you want me to fork out and extra R200 for the same product. While you have not actual increased your price world events have.
Something to look at maybe?
While I have no doubt the quality is great and I respect the effort I am not prepared to pay almost double the normal price for a game. The average price of a pc game in South Africa is R299 and a top rated game comes in at between R329 and R400 (fallout 3).
After a few months the price drops to around R150 to R250 for an older game.
While I understand you cannot be country specific with your pricing you have to be realistic.
I will get the game when the price drops as I am sure it will or I will end up flying Rise of Flight which will be affordable.
Please do not take this as offensive or view it as critical. I just think you will sell more if the game is cheaper.
When I initialy pre-ordered the game the exchange rate was R300 to $50 which was reasonable.
The dollar has strengthened yet your pricing has not reflected this. Please understand where I am coming from. You would have made R300 out of me last year, now you want me to fork out and extra R200 for the same product. While you have not actual increased your price world events have.
Something to look at maybe?