Problem in installaing CFS3 Battle of Britain


Charter Member
Allo to all i am new in this great site.
I have installed BoB of expansion onto clean CFS3 3.1a the installation works bur with Bf-109 appears two gunsite one transparent and one black.
Anyone know this problem and how is possible solved or can say me where i can post this question.

Thanks in advanced.

Best Regards.
Hello stockplane :wavey: and welcome to the friendliest forums on the 'net.

I have looked at the 109 problem, but can't find an answer at the moment. That model is the old Aeroplane Heaven freeware one, the other versions in the install are much better. :)

There are plenty of aircraft to download fronm the addons library above. I also have a set of Italian BoB aircraft that Capt Winters put together for me, I ought to get them uploaded!


Thanks Pat

Thanks for your kindly reply.

So if i have understad correct i can sobstitute this plane with another Bf-109?

An inplementation with italian planes for BoB will be wellcome for me.

Thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english.

Try this, have attached the file ''. Unzip it and place the file into your aircraft/shared folder.

Your English is very good!
The problem remain

View attachment 89587

Unfortunately my problem remain the same, the black square are again visible.

I have search other Bf-109 E-4 around but seem that there are only the old AH for BoB.

Hi Stockplane,

I've had a look inside the cockpit models of the Aeroplane heaven planes. some are calling for a texture called and others are calling for a texture called and

Open the shared folder in your game install
\microsoft games\Combat Flight Simulator BoB\aircraft\shared

You should see a file called

make a copy of this file and call it

Now put this newly named file back into your shared folder. This should fix your problem.

If it does not PM me your email address and I'll get you to send me the files for the 109 youre having trouble with, and I'll sort it out for you.

regards Rob.