I recently lost the 3TB external drive where I had my main FSX installation. I had the install backup up on another drive so it wasn't the complete disaster it might have been. It took me less than a day to get everything up and running again, everything working fine except for Steve's DX10 fixer. (I'm running version 3.4) I first uninstalled then re-installed the program, because I had the fsx install location on another drive than I do now, but when intializing the program, I can't seem to enter the path to the new FSX installation in the dialog window. What I think is happening is the program wanting me to erase the old libraries on the previous intallation, only I can't because the drive the previous installation was on is FUBAR. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what did you do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks in advance,