Problem Resolved thanks to Priller


I reported several times my failure to be able to fly because the loading of a flight hung, required an abort and an MSFS reinstall. It was all my error, a loss of concentration, and consistency.

Priller to the rescue. He listed several update requirements and recommendations. I mulled over them and while partially awake at night recalled one requirement I may have consistently followed. I was in the process of loading World updates, one at a time and testing, The process went well for a while, but then failed with another hang.

That one requirement was to exit the sim following a World update prior to attempting a flight.

You all know that, and so did I, but failed to do it every time.

My apologies to the web site for filling it with threads blaming the SU5 update.

It is too bad this failed action has such time consuming consequences. I've seen the hang up problem reported elsewhere, but no solution linking this action directly to the problem. A ticket was submitted but not answered.

Now a happy camper.:mixed-smiley-010:
Sounds like your issue was different from the hang-ups on flight loading that SU5 did, indeed, cause, and that are still a problem for many of us. But I'm very glad your bug was resolved!

The bug that a lot of us are having seems to be that the sim sometimes chokes on loading a lot of online data in certain locations. I think it is related to that "your bandwidth is insufficient" message that a lot of us are getting in-flight, but when it happens while loading, the sim just hangs. So far, I have found that it doesn't hang when I turn off online functionality, start the flight, and then turn online functionality back on again after spawning, but it's a hassle, and I'm not sure it will always work.

It certainly has nothing to do with installing World Updates for most of us. I do not reinstall MSFS every time it hangs (good grief!) and have installed each World Update only once when it originally came out, and then maybe once more when forced by SU5.
