Problem seeing flightplans in flightplanner


Charter Member
When I try to load a flightplan through the P3D planner, nothing shows in the selection screen. If I create and save a flightplan, it goes to the proper folder and I can see it in Windows Explorer BUT it will not display in P3D. Running Version 1.4 on w764 - UAC off - run as admin or not makes no difference. All permissions on the folder are set correctly and I have taken ownership of the folder. Everything else works perfectly, just this one thing. Loading a flight instead of a flightplan works perfectly, all the files are displayed.

Anyone have any ideas? It's not a BIG deal but it is annoying. Posted in LM P3D forum - no response yet. Don't think it's a bug, just something on my system that's blocking it but can't figure what could do *just* that.

There was a recent thread over there where someone was trying to save a .pln file with a name that
also contains a "." and P3D truncated that to "some"

It seems that P3D truncates names after the first "." is detected. They said it is a bug and will be fixed.

Not sure if this explains anything with respect to what you are seeing...or not seeing.

Thanx Paul - I saw that. No, these are just plain old regular .pln files - mostly created and saved within P3D in it's default location. problem is, when I try to load them later through the flight planner in P3D, they do not show up in the selection list. the folder is correct, permissions correct - really strange and it appears that I'm the only one with the issue. Not worth the bother to reinstall so I'll just ignore it until I need to update or reinstall for another reason.
