Problem Using Joystick Windows Vista



New to the forum. I bought my 7 year old son CFS3, which he has really enjoyed. I connected his laptop to my 46 inch LCD TV with Surround Sound, and I have a blast watching him dogfight.

Thinking that since CFS3 was so much fun, why not get CFS 1 and 2, also. I installed CFS1 on the laptop, but I keep getting a window asking me to switch to another joystick. The Flightstick Pro works in MFS 2002 and CFS 3. How do I get the joystick working? Or is CFS1 not worth bothering with? Will I have the same problem with CFS2?

I am thinking about installing CFS3 and play with my son. I have never played online, so I need help getting started. Is there an easy tutorial to enable me to do so?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Seth Anderson
Moon, VA

~S~ Seth,

Vista has a problem recognizing joysticks. You will have to go in to the CFS settings and assign your own settings. Vista will keep telling your joystick has changed do not believe it. In fact if your stick is set up for CFS3 it should work in 1 or 2. Vista lies a lot.

j. :bs: