Problem with BoB BF109 dynamic sight reticles


The BF109E-II JG77 and -1 9./JG26 work just as they should. The reticle and sight glass and tracers are to the right of center.

The -4-JG26 has the reticle and tracers on the c/l of the aircraft but the sight glass is to the right of center. With the reticle in the upper right corner of the the sight glass, it disappears as soon as I move my head to the right. I can move the effective area to the left by adjusting the numbers in the Gunsight list text that goes in the particular aircraft .xpd. This doesn't move the reticle, only the invisible square it can move in. This means it's not lined up with the sight and sight glass in the cockpit, but is still lined up with the bullets. This plane has the geometric shapes shown in the attached image when I move my head back away from the screen.

The -4-JG2 has a black square on the c/l so you can't see the reticle at all. It also fires on the c/l and gets the shapes when moving back from the screen.


  • BF109E-4-JG2.jpg
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  • BF109E-4-JG2 (2).jpg
    BF109E-4-JG2 (2).jpg
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  • BF109E 4-JG26.jpg
    BF109E 4-JG26.jpg
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In my install all four display correctly in the reflector glass if I lean down and to the right. The amount required depends on where my head was positioned when TrackIR was initialized or re-centered.

BoB_BF109E-02 and -04
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revi16D_gunsight" PosX="0.0325" PosZ="0.0" PosY="0.5625" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

BoB_Bf109E-26 and -77
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revic12D-_gunsight" PosX="0.045" PosZ="-0.15" PosY="0.6825" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

I do not see the centered black square that you have in your pictures, and I'm not sure what could make that happen other than editing the cockpit's m3d file, or if the reticle dds is black with no alpha layer.

Seeing the pilots head from the inside is not a normal thing either. Does that disappear if you zoom in or move your head closer to the screen?
My II-77 and -1-26 are center on the sight glass without moving my head to the side or down from the set position.
On the -4-26 I can move my head over and down to center the reticle on the sight glass but because of the size of my trackir deed zone I use, it takes too much movement, so adjusting the dimensions works better for me.
I don't see the pilots head at the set trackir point, only if I move back about 5", so could live with that. However, if you look closely at the picture with the reticle in the upper left corner of the sight glass you can see two long thin triangles at the bottom of the front window glass. These get longer and thicker as you move your head to the side. They appear to come from the front corner of one of the engine covers. That is on the -4-2 and -4-26. I noticed that these aircraft are list as Aeroplane Heaven. The other two are AvHistory.

I loaded my BoB w/o the shaders or any mods and it is just the same. Could I reload those two planes, and the sight if needed? If so, where would I get them? Maybe they are in my ETO install.