Problem with ETO BOF campaign


Charter Member
I've tried to run the BOF campaign as a bomber pilot flying a Battle. However, I've now tried at lease three different missions. Each time, about the same point shortly after clearing the runway, the game crashes to desktop.

I've done select missions in the 1943 and 1945 campaigns without a hitch.

I've tried the BOF campaign on two computers - one with Vista, the other with XP. Same exact result. So it's not an operating system issue.

Is there a glitch here, or am I missing something? I did review and follow the campaign readme.
Found the same problem. It seems to crash when enemy aircraft are approaching. Maybe it's a problem with the aircraft(s) xdp. file ie; incorrect or missing pylon(s)? Just a guess. It could also be a mismatch with certain aircraft and dates in the tech tree? Anybody got any Ideas for a fix?:banghead:
Just ran Attack in the West as Alied bomber pilot with no problems.

Try selecting stock spawn mode 1st. Then select the campaign spawn desired. ie allied or axis.

If that doesn't fix your problem, you could have corrupt spawn file folder.
:kilroy:Guys, Italflyer is right. You need to set the ETO Spawn Selector before you play a campaign.

If you want to play Allied side in the Attack in the West Campaign, then select 5.

If you want to play Axis side in the Attack in the West Campaign, the select 6.

In the Phoney War Campaign, select 7 when playing Allied side, and select 8 when playing Axis side.

If the proper selection is not made before the campaign is played, the problem you are having will occur.

For the record, the Phoney War and Attack in the West campaigns are to be played in Era 1 only.:d
Well, I think I found out it was a Vista issue and a spawn selector issue.

If I turn the UAC off and if I select the correct spawn mode (number 5 in this instance), the missions don't crash. At least not so far.

On the XP machine, after selecting the correct spawn mode, no issues.