problem with ETO cumulative 1.2


Charter Member
Hello guys,
I downloaded the 1.2 cumulative update over a 1.02 version that was working perfectly well.From that point on when I start the game I get the following message: "UnitData model name ai_do_217_e5_6nnp already used",and when I press the ok button the game shut's down .
So any idea how to correct this whitout doing a new instal ?:help:
Hello guys,
I downloaded the 1.2 cumulative update over a 1.02 version that was working perfectly well.From that point on when I start the game I get the following message: "UnitData model name ai_do_217_e5_6nnp already used",and when I press the ok button the game shut's down .
So any idea how to correct this whitout doing a new instal ?:help:


Capt. Winters has the scoop on this and can answer it better than I can for you. Hopefully he can give you a response soon.

problem with ETO 1.20

gosd. Go to page 3 of threads. I had the same problem. Look for my thread. "Updated ETO 1.20 will not load(ai_do_217_e5-6mnp already exists). rcafmad

Capt Winters should have your answer.
Hi Guys,

The problem here is that the install to which the ETO 1.20 update was applied either already had Teds original Do217e5 installed or has had it added after the 1.20 patch has been applied. this means you now have two folders which contain the ai version of the plane.

Thus cuasing the error message model name already used. to rectify, search for the files using that name, you should find two folders containing the ai_Do_217_E5_6NNP files

1 called ETO_DO_217E-5

2 and the second folder will have the defualt folder name as used by Ted.

remove the the defualt folder as supplied by Teds original install.

This was an oversight on my part, I should have changed the name of the ai version of the plane, as I did with our player fylable ETO version of the 217E-5. a mistake I wont make again.

regards Rob.
Thank you ,it did solve the ai_Do_217_E5_6NNP problem, but the game still shut's down on startup and the viewUI.xml does not regenerate.
should I do a reinstall ?:kilroy:
Thank you again for your help !
Hi gosd,

which veiwUI.xml file is not regenerating?

Is it the one in the application data folder
C:\Documents and Settings\Your username\Application Data\Microsoft\CFS3 ETO Expansion___________

or the one housed in your main ETO game folder?

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion

The one in the application data folder is the one that should regenerate after deleting.

If you have deleted the one that is housed in your main game folder, then your going to need another, as that one will not regenerate if deleted.
If you have a stock CFS3 install simply copy the viewUI.xml from that install and place it in your ETO install folder.

If it is the viewUI.xml file in your application data folder that is not regenerating try deleting the uisel.xml file as well, this is also found in the application data folder.

and then restart the game and see how you go.


regards Rob.
I got it working now,but I had to remove the following A/C from nachtpiloten halifax_package :
I have not ben able to figure out why these A/C crash the game!
Hi Gosd,
I would say that it's because these are also duplicate model names.
These A/C were loaded with the new 1.20 and I bet that you had
already put them in before the new update. Just a guess, but glad
you're sorted out. :wavey:

The Aircraft names themselves may be different, but if they use the
same Model name (m3d) you'll have that error...UnitData model name....:)
I don't know if it has been clearly stated, but IMO it is best to put 1.2 on a completely clean 1.0. I also had added stuff to my 1.02 but I saved that elsewhere and did a new 1/0 and then 1.2 install as per instructions. You can then carefully put back added on stuff but don't over write newer files or folders!
IMO alot of the problems are not from the ETo build which has tested out fine, but from what guys have done on their computers!
I got it working now,but I had to remove the following A/C from nachtpiloten halifax_package :
I have not ben able to figure out why these A/C crash the game!

When I try to ad these A/C to the game I get a ai_HalifaxXX_XXX.xdp.tmp file instead of the usual bdp file ?
:kilroy:Gosd, those five aircraft have already been included in ETO, contributed by Nachtpiloten himself.

Capt. Winters had modified certain things in order to keep themm completely compatible with the ETO effects and weapons packages, among other things.

It would simply be redundant to install them again, unless you have removed the original ETO versions of these planes. This is probaly what is causing the problem.

Also, the AvHistory weapons and effects packages should not be installed in ETO, as the weapons are already there. ETO has its own effects package already installed, which goes well beyond AvHistory's effects in scope and quality, although in terms of basic quality, AvHistory's effects are still excellent in comparison to the stock CFS3 effects.

I hope this helps.:d
Actualy there are only four A/C,and yes I have found them !
Thank you,Cheers:woot:
Sorry Grizzly50 I did not want to offend you.