Problem with KTCS v1.3 and Win 7 64 Bit


Charter Member

Ok, got ETO up and running great.

Installed KTCS tonight and v1.2 works, Update v1.21 works, but after running Update v1.3 CFS3 crashes almost immediately when I launch the game. I see the KTCS splash screen, but then a moment later I get the error message that CFS3 has stopped working. I'm trying to run this on Win 7 64 bit. There isn't anything to Update v1.3 other than running the installation application, and I just went through an uninstall/reinstall all the way up to v1.3 a second time with the same results. No mods, just starting from a clean CFS3 v3.1a with no changes.

Has anyone got KTCS v1.3 running on Win 7/64 and if so any tips?

Hi Kodiak,

This may and may not work. reinstall KTCS up to 1.21 then make a back up copy of the game folder to a safe location. then in the original KTCS install folder in the (microsoft games folder not your back up) delete all the files and folders inside.

now run the 1.3 update patch. hopefully this will populate the original folder with only the files supplied with update 1.3.

now rename your game folder to something else. and then copy your back up 1.21 game folder back into the microsoft games folder.

now take one file at a time out of the update 1.3 folder and place it into your 1.21 game folder. start the gane after placing each file inside. hopefully the game will start each time until you get to what ever file was cuasing the issue. once you know the name of that file post back here and we can help determin how important that file is to the update and wether theres a workaround for it.

hope this helps,

regards Rob.
Thank you for your reply, Rob.

Turned out it was user error all along. Apparently I had placed my JSGME Mods folder and exe into the DPC CFS3 Korea game folder before installing v1.3 both times. I hadn't run JSGME and installed any mods, I just had it sitting there ready to go as the next step. It turned out KTCS doesn't want the Mods folder in the DPC CFS3 Korea game folder at all (no matter the Mods folder name - I tried renaming it). When I moved JSGME.exe and the JSGME Mods folder one level up, then KTCS ran fine. I played with it a bit, and KTCS didn't mind the JSGME.exe file living in DPC CFS3 Korea game folder, but wouldn't stand for there to be a foreign folder of any kind in DPC CFS3 Korea, something I had never run into before.

So the post mortum is that KTCS v1.3 is running fine, and by moving JSGME.exe and the JSGME Mods folder one level above and out of the DPC CFS3 Korea game folder I now also have Ankor's Self Shadowing, SweetFX, and the Aris Cloud mod all running also.

Thanks! :wavey: