Problem with Nvidia driver 182.06 ?



Well this was a first playing OFF 3 - and not saying it's a game problem.

I was in a mission and had just started to attack a enemy A/C when the screen went completely in a rug weave pattern of multiple colors and my system totally locked up. Obvious graphics card related. Had to do a hard reboot to get out of it. My GPU temp had been running around 55c during the game so I know it wasn't a heat thing. Strange. Maybe a glitch with the latest nvidia driver?

I'll stay with the current driver to see if it happens again ...
I'm on 182.06...No issues as yet, but will keep you guys informed
Thanks guys. My Evga 260-216 SC edition comes with a higher core and mem speed than the stock 260-216 version - plus I've been running it with additional OC (680 core/1105 mem) and while I've had no similar problem with CoD4 and 5, etc., if it's not the driver then maybe the high mem load of OFF 3 in certain situations is pushing my card to the point of instability..? Oh I said, if it happens again it'll confirm this wasn't a one-time thing and go from there...