Problem with repaint for AH Spitfire MK IXc Trainer


Charter Member
Bill Greenwood Spitfire Mk.IXc (Trainer).zip

This is a repaint only for the Aeroplane Heaven/Justflight Spitfire. This Spitfire, HF IXc TE308, was originally built with a Merlin 70 as a high altitude fighter, but was bought by Vickers in July 1950 and converted to a two-seat trainer and supplied to the Irish Air Corp as 163. In 1968 it was sold to civilian hands and joined the mass of airframes at Elstree Airfield for the movie Battle of Britain, and was used as a camera aircraft with the camera in the front seat. It was acquired by Bill Greenwood in 1983 and wears the markings RJ-M in tribute to the Spitfire designer, Reginald J. Mitchell.

by Bomber_12th (2007-06-27 23:18:14)

This repaint have 2 problems
One is easy to correct (different model name in the aircraft.cfg furnished in the repaint)
The second is not a easy one
Seems that the wings textures are missing .. so only the fuselage is showing textured
Anyone know about a solution ??? or the existence of a update for this repaint ?
Thank you
I think it may depend on which model the paint was made for. There was the earlier released model in the Just Flight Spitfire/AH Spit packs, then there was a latter release model that was on their freeware page, updated and such. Due to the update on the newer model the textures used may be different.

I think it may depend on which model the paint was made for. There was the earlier released model in the Just Flight Spitfire/AH Spit packs, then there was a latter release model that was on their freeware page, updated and such. Due to the update on the newer model the textures used may be different.


You hit the nail ! :encouragement:
I have the latest release .. and this repaint is (certainly) for the first release
Bad luck ... LOL