problem with smoke effects

ian elliot

Something seems to have gone wrong with the smoke effects on most of my kerosen burners, the effect is showing up but as a very simple 2d version, ive included some screens to show what im on about, although im using the old Alpha Meteor, the same is happening to 4 or 5 othere's so far. im hoping this is something simple, to the best of my knowlage, i have'nt alter'd my graphic settings
cheers ianView attachment 30444View attachment 30443View attachment 30445

I took a look at a number of the exhaust smoke fx files in my collection...and they almost all call upon a bmp file called FX_Smoke.bmp. Perhaps this file somehow got over written by a bad file or something. I am attaching a copy of this file (stock FS2004 file) so you can drop it into your EFFECTS folder and see if that corrects your exhaust smoke. It's a starting place at the very least...if this does not fix it, then we know to look at other variables.

Thanks Obio, ive got my smoke back, a virtual beer to you my friend, wonder how i lost it in the first place though ?
cheers ian

I think some installers replace the default smoke effect bmp, there may even be some un-installers that remove it again without putting the default back in? Have you un-installed anything recently? Or possibly a replacement file was installed that was corrupt.

The effects do not go there; the bmps they use go there.

That makes sense -- just as the bmps for scenery add-ons go in the "texture" folder while the bgl's go in a separate "scenery" folder.

Ya know, at this rate I might eventually understand how FS is actually put together ----------not!:isadizzy:
As a postscript to this, i double checked with my FS9 disks, i was missing about 5 or 6 texture bmp's in my install which ive replaced, lord knows where they went, as for uninstalling stuff, im constantly uninstalling files i dont like, i guess i just lose track of stuff :mixedsmi:
thanks for the help guys, cheers ian