Problem with Warbirdsim repaints


Charter Member
Yesterday I bought the Warbirdsim/Acclaim P-51B pack over at pilot shop. I bought it because of the two paints that were supplied with it(which are two of my all time favorite Camo "B" model paints). Afterwards, I tried to install some of the repaints supplied by authors here at SOH but I have encountered an odd problem. I install the repaints and all of them show up but when I go to fly, just as the P-51 comes in at start on the runway, I get a crash detection with the plane halfway down into the runway(below ground level) I haven't had a model crash like this in FS9 for years. Even more bizzare is that the two original paints suffered the same crash as the new repaints. I end up uninstalling the model and reinstalling as new. Any ideas why this is going on/what I am encountering?
I've always thought that the Warbirdsim should present an 'updated' version of the plane's cfg. to prevent these crashes into the tarmac and to have the default aircraft mess up as well. Doesn't make sense. If one lays out a good chunk of money for the aircraft,...(well worth it),...why should this idocyncracy should exist to begin with? I pointed this out to Albert but never heard back from him.
I guess I am quite confused - I edit my aircraft.cfg files all the time with the XP default NotePad program and have never had a problem attributed to it. Is this perhaps a Vista wrinkle?

Stan V.
No, I am on XP Pro using the same notepad I have for all other repaints. Never had this issue before making conventional repaint edits/addons.
No, I am on XP Pro using the same notepad I have for all other repaints. Never had this issue before making conventional repaint edits/addons.

I had the same problem when I added my first repaint. Fortunately I saved the original config so I compared my corrupt modified config with the saved original and, using notepad, I re-spaced the modified config to match the original and I've had no trouble since. It took me about 10 minutes to re-space. Once you have properly "re-spaced" the config file with notepad it should remain formated for all future additions, at least mine has.

One other note - make sure the model and panel number in the repaint config entry is available in your version of the WBS P-51, otherwise you will have to change those numbers as well. I have the Flight Leader set which comes with 5 different model files and 5 different panel configurations which inturn alter antenna, canopy and rear view mirror configurations - at least that's what I've discovered so far.

Hope this helps.

Oh, and I'm using XP also.

I had only heard of wordpad messing up .cfg files. I haven't had any problems that I know are from using notepad. I assume that this can occur with fsx as well.
Yes, Wordpad as well as Word or any other word processor for that matter, use special codes buried in the text to represent formatting - if there are none there, they put them in. They WILL mess up, i.e., corrupt, any txt or cfg file.

Stan V.
To no avail, I wasn't able to get any repaints working. Is a pity, so many nice repaints for this model! Well, we'll bang around and maybe get the issue solved. It is a hell of a nice model.
Like LDF I had the same happen to me when I istalled repaints for the warbirdsim Mustang. I had to manually re-space the config file with notepad - took me a while to do so, then I had to go over it again when it didn't load in FS, and found two or three more lines that I missed, corrected them, and all is fine now. Didn't need to resort to the freeware Notepad++ after all. After that, adding further repaints isn't a problem again.
Fortunately I kept a backup of the original airfiles but didnt need them, although they're there for just in case I need them.
I've always used notepad for air configs, etc without a problem, Warbirdsim apparently used a different program for making the air configs. which if touched, would become corrupted. Its not all terminally corrupt as it can be easily fixed like I did above.
To no avail, I wasn't able to get any repaints working. Is a pity, so many nice repaints for this model! Well, we'll bang around and maybe get the issue solved. It is a hell of a nice model.

Hi DFA ~

Not trying to prolong your pain but want to make sure you have checked the model and panel IDs in the specific config entries. PLease forgive me if you have already checked these.

My current repaints use model/panel IDs 1, 2, and 5. The config entry for these folders must match exactly what is available in the main WBS folder. The 2 examples below show the entries I'm referring to in Red. These entries must match what is available in YOUR WBS main folder. If not, try changing the config entries to match what IS available in your main WBS folder and see what you get.

As I mentioned earlier, these model, panel files contain, among other things, antenna, mirror and canpy confiurations for the visual models.

My WBS main folder (P-51 Flight Leader) contains 5 seperate Model and Panel folders numbered accordingly.

1. WBS_P-51_Turnip_Termite

title = P-51B Mustang 'Turnip Termite'
sim = p-51c
model = 2
panel = 2
sound =
texture = Termite
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists = P-51B_Checklist
kb_reference =
atc_id = 6957
atc_id_color = 0xffffffffff
atc_parking_code =
ui_manufacturer = North American
ui_type = P-51B Mustang
ui_variation = 'Turnip Termite'
description =North American P-51B/C. North American P-51B-5-NA, 43-6957, QP*M, flown by 1st Lt. Frank Speer, 334th FS, 4th FG, Debden, England, MAY 1944. Repaint by Steve Bryant. Model and paintkit by WarbirdSim.
visual_damage = 0

2. WBS_P-51_Uve_Had_It

title = P-51B Mustang 'UVE HAD IT'
sim = p-51c
model = 5
panel = 5
sound =
texture = ENGLAND
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists = P-51B_Checklist
kb_reference =
atc_id = 463
atc_id_color = 0xffffffffff
atc_parking_code =
ui_manufacturer = North American
ui_type = P-51B Mustang
ui_variation = 'U'VE HAD IT'
description =North American P-51B-5-N.A., 42-106463, G4*H, flown by Capt. John B. England, 362th FS, 357th FG, Leiston AB, Yoxford, England, June 1944. Repaint by Steve Bryant. Model and paintkit by WarbirdSim.
visual_damage = 0

When the WBS Mustang was first released, nobody realized there was an issue with the aircraft.cfg until the first new texture was added. After several posts in the initial thread, here is the explaination ..from page 8 of the original release post.


I had no intention of creating a weird behaving cfg file. But one of my machines does corrupt it if I go and make any changes.

Sorry folks, glad you are finding a way round it.
If all else fails, copy and paste an existing cfg onto the desktop. Open up the Warbirdsim cfg, and copy and paste the text over, and resave.

Probably already been suggested but if not, that will work.


The problem is easily solved if you know what to look for. When you attempt to add the first new texture to the aircraft.cfg, some of the sections lose their hidden coding to identify the next sentence or paragraph, so the text gets scrambled and FS9 can't read the coding.

You can either go through the entire aircraft.cfg and reenter all the line breaks, or you can us a product like Notepad++ that allows you to edit the file and fix it for you automiatically.

Geez, what a pain just for repaints. I tried all methods and still no joy. Even after respacing the lines, once I try to save, something still shifts corrupting the file. Too many hoops to jump through. Oh well. Maybe there will be a remedy from WBS in the future.
short cut

the easiest way is not to make any change in the config file. Simply copy and paste the new textures to the original texture files. This is not correct method for flying the repaints. But at least you can enjoy the new textures.