Problem's reinstalling OFF2



Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone ran into this problem and might be able to explain what I might be doing wrong. Due to a problem I was having with CFS3 I decided to do a fresh reinstall of CFS3 and OFF2. Up untill then my OFF2 was running on my Vista 32 computer just fine. I uninstalled OFF2 and CFS3 and reinstalled CFS3 and the patches ,I ran into problems reinstalling OFF2. The first part of the OFF2 1.0EXE goes okay, but the second part only get's to 85% and I get an error message about an APPSDATA ROAMING OFF file causing an error. Anyone see this before? I have deleted all files I can find dealing with OFF and CFS3 and tried a uninstall/ reinstall 3x with the same results when the OFF2 installer gets to 85%:banghead:. What the heck am I missing here?
Hi All,
I get an error message about an APPSDATA ROAMING OFF file causing an error.

I don't have an answer, but just wonder if you have more specifics on the error message. Does it indicate what the problem is with the file...installer can't find it, it already exists, it is unreadable, etc. Have you searched for this file to see where it resides. Might give a clue as to where the problem lies. Maybe with more details someone smarter than me will figure it out.

By 'second part' do you mean the 'skins' install?
As I run XP things are not the same, yet some things are Universal.

After you patch up CFS3, you MUST fly it once, prior to doing anything else.

Let the computer SEARCH for all Folders, OFF, include your Hidden Files and Folders. 2 or 3 always show like MAGIC, fail to delete those, your problem can come back again, and again, and again :kilroy:
Thanks for responding guys,
Okay I should have been more specific and I apologize.
1).I did make sure to fly a mission in CFS3 first before I installed OFF2. Did this every time before attempting to reinstall OFF2. Yes I did 3 reinstalls of CFS3 with patches and 3 unsuccessful attempts to reinstall of OFF2
2).Each time after uninstalling OFF2 and CFS3, and before attempting to reinstall, I did do a search in all folders and files including hidden files and folders. It appears I got everything since I did do a second search after the first one (measure twice, cut once rule) and the search found no files for CFS3 or OFF2 hidden or otherwise.
3). I did print out Polovski's FAQ (all 48+ pages) to reference to make sure I didn't miss luck there.
4). If I remeber correctly the error message looked something like this C:\user\xxxx\AppsDataRoaming\Over Flanders Fields. (xxxxx is my admin name). Now when I did this search for files and folders I did this for all users on my computer and I deleted everything search found for each user, and made sure to empty the waste basket for each user and rebooted before attempting a reinstall.

77 Scout
no the second part is with the OFF P2 Release v1.0 exe. The first part seems to be downloading files then a second part comes up (has photo of Se5a with pilots and groundcrew) this is the part that loads up to 85% when I get the error message and OFF2 aborts the install.

Hope I covered everything guys as this really has me stumped. I know the game does play on my system since I had it installed since June 08 and had no problems till I stupidly went messing around by doing a reinstall of CFS3. I really hope this isn't the end of OFF2 for me.
Hi Peashooter,
If I recall correctly I had a similar problem when installing into Vista 64. I think the Vista OS installs with the option of using either Vista32 or Vista64 Program Files folders.

I believe the problem was caused by having two Program Files folders, one called Program Files and the other called Program Files (followed by a number). It seemed one was for Vista32 and the other for Vista64 programs. My default install location (in OFF install setup) was trying to copy OFF into the wrong folder (Vista 32).
I think I manually changed the install location in the intial OFF install setup to the other folder (by removing the number in the location window) and all went well.

Check that you've not got two Program Files folders and if you have, try changing the install location to the other folder.
Mike, might run that one by RexH and WM to check we have that covered in the installer ?
Out of ideals and desire

Well, I tried my last trick to get this game to run again, and no joy. I have just decided to shelf it, while a good game it's just not worth the frustration level. So it's back to FE, while not as immersive as OFF2 it does work even though it wasn't designed for Vista. I still plan on buying OFF3 but I think I will wait until the jury weighs in on it as far as compatability with Vista and any install issues. So just so everyone understands this just isn't "sour grapes" I have played flight sims since the DOS days and have to admit I've never encountered a problem like this where the game is designed with Win98/XP in mind. Even with the Vista OS I have been able to get old sim's to work, even the original Microprose B-17, Chuck Yeagers Air Combat and others for DOS and allot of Win95 and Win98 games. I really hope OFF3 does not have this problem, while I don't mind a challange to get a game to run, I really don't care for games that make you want to pull out your .45 and shoot your computer:icon_lol:. Well until OFF3 arrives you all take care and I'll be seeing you around:ernae: