problems running OFF 3


Charter Member
After installing Off3 ,I get the following problems:
- none of the Off2 missions can be runned
-when I start the game I get about half an hour of the "disabling all spawns..." message.
-followed by half an hour of "determining war state ... " message.
-followed by half an hour of "installing quick combat package..." message.
_followed by half an hour of "disabling all spawns..." message.
This is much too long I am very disapointed and going back to OFF 2.
The game runs faster and is more flexible !!
gosd, sorry you are disappointed but you have to give it people a chance to help you. There are several things you seem unaware of.

You cannot use P2 missions with P3 it is totally different. Guys and users of p3 will make new missions I am sure, and maybe alter old missions to work.

Fly campaign this will generate missions for you!

To make the "game run faster" you need to configure it properly, it runs very well for many people (some better than P3). If you system is low end then set the sliders up properly (see the FAQ for help).

Spawns are off, as all aircraft in campaign are flying real mission now!
If you really really want old random spawns then you can enable them in workshops.

I am sure guys can help you with missions etc if that is ALL you fly for.

Just about everyone who had any issues is up and running now, andmany people are very happy - just some took some extra configuration. Please be patient as see the tips here and in the FAQ.
-when I start the game I get about half an hour of the "disabling all spawns..." message.
-followed by half an hour of "determining war state ... " message.
-followed by half an hour of "installing quick combat package..." message.
_followed by half an hour of "disabling all spawns..." message.

That is certainly not normal. Those messages should zip by in about 5 seconds or so (on my machine anyway). Something is messed up, either with your install or your system.

Not sure what a solution is going to be, but a full wipe and re-install off OFF3 seems like one thing to try.
That is certainly not normal. Those messages should zip by in about 5 seconds or so (on my machine anyway). Something is messed up, either with your install or your system.

Not sure what a solution is going to be, but a full wipe and re-install off OFF3 seems like one thing to try.

Thanks 77 yes 30 mins for each stage is certainly rather errr excessive - and not how it runs normally at all.

I agree reinstall or at least state your PC system GOSD and maybe I can help further - or contact support.
