Problems Running OFF



So I'm getting a few errors. I am pretty sure I installed everything correctly. I'm running Vista. I have CFS3 3.1 installed with the ETO expansion but no other addons. Here are the errors maybe you all can help.

In the opening of the program I get an error that the computer can't find the movie.

If I click Quick Flight i get a player squadron skin file error. It cant find D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\Campaigns\Campaign Data\Skins\FokkerEIII_t_KEK Bertincourt the default skin will be used instead.

So that could be a problem lol. When I ignore the error and go to hangar Vista says the game had an error and closes it.

That is as far as I can get, any help would be greatly appreciated I wanna fly this thing bad!
sorry to ask, but ... which phase ?? :whistle:

Err, ok - itake it it is phase 2. Did you read the sticky about installation on Vista ? Is it 32 or 64 bit ? Have as well a look at the order of install, which should be the same for XP and Vista.
