Schwarzer Baron von Chlum
I have my BHaH since 26. january, but still does not run correctly.
I would need your help guys.
I selected "choose campaign"-> flight is ok, but in a while (20 min) during the flight appeared a window with "computer programm CFS3 does not function right and must be terminated".
Any ideas how to solve it? Did anyone have the same problem? New installation and reboot did not help and switching off the anti virus software either.
Please help:help:
I am getting desperate, i had not any aerial fight in BHaH-campaign yet...:faint:
I would need your help guys.
I selected "choose campaign"-> flight is ok, but in a while (20 min) during the flight appeared a window with "computer programm CFS3 does not function right and must be terminated".
Any ideas how to solve it? Did anyone have the same problem? New installation and reboot did not help and switching off the anti virus software either.
Please help:help:
I am getting desperate, i had not any aerial fight in BHaH-campaign yet...:faint: