Problems with DL_Bf109g-10_W21


Charter Member
Here i go again... Having problems getting the DL_Bf109G-10_W21 to work in CFS3 ETO. After installing as per instructions when loading ETO i get a message that CFS3 does not support Windows DX8 and will now exit. Deleted aircraft and reinstalled backup effects,sounds and preload file and tested. CFS3 ETO now operates properly. Has anyone else had this problem? Am i doing something wrong ? Have DX9c and all installs work properly.Know how to edit files using notepad and other than the SJ Fw190 have never had any problems with adding aircraft before. Don't know what to do next. Any help? Thanks,Scott
Tried doing a search here at SOH but no help. Seen that there were kind of a few views but no help ether. Someone has bound to have some problems installing this aircraft. I can't be the only one! Sounds like something wrong in the effects.xml but not sure. Instructions say to install lines to the top of effects.xml right under effects heading. That is what i did. Installed lines to sounds.xml and waited to install lines to preload file till i found if there were any problems later on. CFS3 crashes after startup and says CFS3 does not support Win. dx8 and will now exit. Never seen this before. Please,any help or ideas out there ? Regards,Scott
I just took a look at my copy of W21 and don't see anything special about it. The included files call upon all the same rendering routines as any other aircraft in my ETO install.
Hi Scott,

try installing everything except the accelerator effects, you'll need to edit one line of effects out of the aircrafts xdp file though to test this.
the first line of effects at the bottom of the file, delete this line.
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_accelerator" PosX="0.0" PosY="-1.0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="100" MaxVel="102"/>

you'll need to do it in the ai version as well.

as for adding in the effects to the main effects file, when your ready you can add them to the very bottom of the file as long as they are above the last entry which is


I personally put all new effects at the bottom and use start and end point names to define each addition should I need to find them at a later point


lines of text in this bit for each effect


I cant see anything in the download set that would cause trouble other than like you say a hic-up with editing the main effects file.

hope this helps, regards Rob.
Thanks Rob. I must have done something wrong adding the text to the effects.xml. Reinstalled aircraft and added the lines for the effects.xml and the sounds.xml ,put all other files in correct places and tested . CFS3 loaded properly and aircraft tested good. All is well now. Just a scare,i guess. Thank you all for the help. Regards,Scott