Problems with extracting CFS1



Best CFS-frends!

I´m a new member from Sweden and this is my first question. I´m trying to make a new mission work (me262) but am failing. I´ve downloaded the new mission (me262) and have extracted the files to the CFS-folder, but when I´m trying to open the mission I get this message, "error loading mission file. Either the file is corrupted or formatted improperly".
Could it be that I´m using XP instead of win 98 or am I missing some imortant detail?
Please help!

Best regards/
Mattias, Sweden
hello Mattias,
I do not believe that the problem is with XP.
Generally, this error message occurs when a Mission requirement is not installed in CFS.
For example, the Me262 called for in the Mission is not installed in the Aircraft folder. this includes, but is not limited to, scenery objects and AI aircraft. in other words, their titles must be exactly the same as listed in the .mis file
Hello Smilo, and thanks for your reply!
I think you are right, but I´m not sure just how to install a new mission to make it work correctly...Do you think you could explain which extrects I should put in which folders?
If so I would be grateful!
Best regards/
The error.LOG file in the main CFS folder tells you exactly what's wrong where in the mission. Is there any way you could tell us what it says?
hello Mattias,
as I am attempting to prepare for a transcontinental flight,
the real thing, I will pass this on to winslow33.
I believe that you will be in good hands.
good luck with it and Happy Holidays

~S~ All and Happy Holidays,

Winslow is becoming the expert at just about everything. I think, I am forgeting at a faster rate then W, is learning. That would put the bell curve at about 40 years. I can still remember when showed up here, full of questions.

~S~ Winslow, keep up the good work.

Best winslow33!

Thank you for your help! The error log.file said as reads: "[Mission file error]
error=Unable to Init Unit 1015 title=Escort to Berlin filename=CAMPAIGNS\me262a"

What does this mean?
I realise that I haven´t installed the file 1015 correctly, but I can´t find any "Escort to Bremen" anywhere! And even if I found it I would not know where to place it...

Can you help?

Best regards/
Best CFS-friends!

I actually got the me262-campaign to work! But when I tried the same thing with another campaign, it didn´t work...The new campaign doesn´t even come up under "costum"-campaigns. This is getting to complicated, after all I´m just an ordenary man...

Ok..... so the 262 campaign works but the new one doesn't.
I think I know what is wrong but I'm not sure so I'm going to try something on my machine and report back tomorow.

And Johnny: Thanks to you guys for answering those questions.:jump: All I knew before I stumbled across these forums was how to fly!:costumes:

Happy holidays! :)
Hello winslow33!

I have now finally got 2 new campaigns to work properly, the me262 and Bob109. But I´ve got problems with "MG_Morebyfor_CFS" which is the New Guinea campaign. I can fly the missions, but I can´t change/modify the aircrafts. When I try, I get the following message, "STOP: There are no aircraft available to display". I realise that I have missed something, but what?

Best regards/
Sounds like the aircraft weren't installed right. Try re-installing them, and if it still doesn't work, see if the package requires anothrer add-on. Once I had that problem with a desert front campaign because I needed an earlier version. Should say in the readme.
Does that solve the problem?
Thank you winslow33 for bearing with me...

I just discovered that all missions I downloaded might not work without add-ons. The problem seems to be that some add-ons doesn´t exist anylonger...For instance, I have tried to make the "Guadalcanal"-camaign work, but there´s a "read me"-file that says that in order to make this campaign work I need to download the airplanes from another website..."(All availables at my home page:"
But this particular website does not exist anymore, so am I stuck?

But I will try to install the New Guinea-campaign again, but there´s also another problem with the New Guinea-campaign. Although I can fly the missions, the airplanes acts weird...The props doesn´t spin, and sometimes airplanes in front of me takes off not from the ground, but rather 10 meters above the ground...scary.

Thanks again!

Best regards!
Unless somebody else knows where else those aircraft might be, yes I dont think there's much you can do. You could make stock planes work, but wouldn't be realistic.

As for the weird aircraft, I think it has something to do with the aircrafts .AIR file. I cant be of much help there, as I know ver little about editing those.:isadizzy:
Ok, thank you for your patiance! I think I will stick with the campaignes that works (me 262 and another) for a while anyway. Those me 262:s are impossible to shoot down...

Thanks for the tip Jonny, but I notice that the downloads are all CFS-2! Do they work with CFS-1?

~S~ Mattias1

Välkommen in i gänget !

Just join AAC and we can fly in pairs and use our "svenska" in the missions.

// Scandfox
hello Scandfox,
I was hoping that you would show up!
be sure to convince Mattias1 to fly Axis.