problems with launcing a campaign

Killer Svend

I was lucky to get cfs3 up operating on my win10 rig,but not everything is functioning,it is probably my own faulth, but when I try to open a new campaign i.e. fortress europe, I get a box with the following text, quote: No british Hqs/Squadrons can be properly placed with placing 2 given the current squadron data and front-line shape, Unquote. What does that mean? is something missing, I can fly free flights and missions without problems but no campaigns. I installed the DPC Korea, it is the same here. Any help is most appreciated. !!!!!
Killer Svend:dizzy:
Are you using a basic CFS3 install, or something like ETO?
Your Korea install I assume is separate?
It is a basic install and my korean is a separate install when I had win7 as os there was no problems,my CD's is from the time when president Lincoln was young. I am looking for the update 3.1 or higher but Micro$oft has deleted the link long time ago,do you have it?
Killer Svend:wavey:
I was lucky to get cfs3 up operating on my win10 rig,but not everything is functioning,it is probably my own faulth, but when I try to open a new campaign i.e. fortress europe, I get a box with the following text, quote: No british Hqs/Squadrons can be properly placed with placing 2 given the current squadron data and front-line shape, Unquote. What does that mean? is something missing, I can fly free flights and missions without problems but no campaigns. I installed the DPC Korea, it is the same here. Any help is most appreciated. !!!!!
Killer Svend:dizzy:

Greetings, have you edited fortress europa.xml, or changed xdps in any of the stock aircraft, recently? The message generally means that the HQs and squadrons for the British country are not able to be placed within the defined distances from the frontline. But it is highly unusual to get this message for the stock campaign.

Within the Fortress europa.xml file, which can be edited using Notepad, there is a section called campaign parameters, down toward the bottom of the file.

Try this set of params:

<CampaignParams MaxTimeAcceleration="6" ServerAutoSaveFrequency="1" RoundLength="60" RoundsPerDay="60" RoundsToJump="300" SRMultiplier="1" RoundsToApplySItoTI="420" RoundsToMoveSquadrons="360" RoundsToBurnDownSI="80" RoundsToInitOffensive="0" RoundsToHideOffensive="30" RoundsToCheckAIOffensive="600" RoundsToAutoSave="20" OffensiveRadius="3" SupplyBurnDownRate="1" ReserveBurnDownRate="1" AIsquadronHealthLoss="2" PlayerSquadronHealthLoss="2" PCHealthLoss="2" FighterSquadronsFlownPercentage="20" SelectOffensiveSectorPercentage="40" SIMaxThreshold="85" TIMaxThreshold="85" SIbaseValue="50" TIbaseValue="50" TIbaseOffensiveValue="78" HQInitDistance="4" HQMinDistance="1" HQMaxDistance="8" HQAverageSquadrounCount="4" HQMaxRecommendedCapacity="10" HQMaxCapacity="99" UseFogOfWar="y" TIPenaltyBase="5" TIbaseBoostValue="83" SquadronHealthResupplyThreshold="90" AIMaxRoundsToFlyPerDay="3" AIMinHealthToFlyMission="20" C_TI_MORALE="5" C_TI_POWER="2" C_WINGMAN_REPLACE="5" C_SQ_RESUPPLY="0.5" C_STRUCT_REPAIR="5" C_AIRCRAFT_UPGRADE="2.5" C_TAC="5" SuccessBonus="20" SuccessBonusDecayRate="0.0667">

I've simply changed the HQ initial distance and the HQ max distance.

Back up the stock campaign first.

Let us know if it works - I can't test it because the stock settings work anyway!
So you have a completely stock installation, updated to CFS3.1a, and the stock campaign does not want to start? That seems very strange. Have you run multicfs3.exe to have a new folder named in your AppData for your new stock install, to prevent corruption with the old AppData files?