• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

Problems with Win 10 Pro 1903 64-bit and ETO


Charter Member
I've looked through the posts and tried everything suggested including turning off my UAC. I've also religiously followed the Installation Guide.

I just recently upgraded from Win 7 Pro 64-bit (where everything was working fine) to Win 10 Pro 64-bit. Win 10 then recently updated itself to 1903.

Basically, I now can't pick Eras when ETO starts. The 2 white on black "choose the global_layer you want" boxes come up and seem to work but even when I choose, say, Era 1 I end up in what I think is Era 3 or Era 4 (there's a bubble top P-47d on the tarmac) but only the Era 2 missions are available. :banghead::banghead:

On top of that, whenever I shut ETO or MAW down, I get a message that CFS3 stopped working and we're sending info to Microsoft. Then, when I start any CFS3 version up afterwards, I get a box that says, in essence, CFS3 didn't shut down properly, do you want to see info on troubleshooting?

MAW seems to be working OK although I've had to reinstall at least once when it wouldn't load past the second splash screen.

When I say I followed the ETO Installation Guide, that includes properly editing the two .bat files as indicated in the guide.

I have my ETO, CFS3 personal, CFS3.1a stock and MAW installs all on D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games. My D: drive is a separate drive (not a partition) from my C: which has the OS. Last night I installed a stock CFS3 upgraded to 3.1a on the C: drive and tried installing ETO on the C: drive too. No luck. I ended up with the same problems.

Anybody got any ideas as to how to fix these issues?
Assuming you have installed as per instructions and your batch files are correct, the first other thing I would look at is under the exe file(s) or app file(s) properties.
Compatibility Run as XP and SP3
Run as Administrator.

Now IMO, the batch files are difficult and I feel sometimes have a mind of their own; speaking as someone with a 10era set up! It would be useful to put them up here to see what's up.

are the ones to look at.

To shut the game down always use Ctrl + Shft + Q, not other ways. That might help. If you see that MS box about not shutting down properly just press the 'No' tab.

Hope that is a starter for ideas!
Hi dcb337, from what you describe it's not clearly an issue with the change in OS. ETO is a terrific advance on stock in nearly every way, but once the files get corrupted (for some reason the global layer out of synch with other files, for instance) then you will get the issues you describe irrespective of changing OS. Do you have your ETO BACKUP folder still? It might be worth reverting to those files, then also making sure you find ALL your .bat files and make sure the paths are correct. Once everything is hunky dory in Era 1, its always good to do a few sanity checks. Use the standard ETO startup and change to a different era. Then go into windows explorer, and check that the missions, qclocations, uires, and global layer folders and anything era-related that I've forgotten (possibly the uisel.xml in the AppData pathway too?) are all in agreement about what era is in play and that the spawns are ok for that era.

So the short answer (guess :biggrin-new:) is that something is out of whack with the .bat files.

I agree with Mongoose that with later versions of Windows it seems ctrl+shift+Q is the best way to close out.

I checked the .bat files again and, surprise, I think everything seems to be working OK.

All I need now is the Config settings for my Nvidea 1060 especially the Texture Info and Texture Limits Parameters and the Z Bias (whatever that is) Parameter. There's lots of info and tutorials on the Overrides but not the other stuff. Do you guys know anywhere I could look?

I'm just not advanced knowledge-wise to play with the Shaders.
1. Basically ETO should not be in the programme folders but in the main D:/ folder (or whatever). There is a sticky on this.

2. It would still be good to see your batch files.

3. for the cfg file, look at MajorMagee's search the threads.

You are welcome to PM me re any issue as I have win 10 Pro + all updates and no issues.