Project Opensky CRJ-900 v3


I fly it ..
Very good for me.


Very competent model, up to POSKY usual standards.

Did I notice a bit of a list to starboard, for the pushback tug??
I'm not sure I'm sold on the ground vehicles being part of the aircraft - AES provides a better service...

EDIT: Umm, did we not have a POSKY CRJ900, about a year ago??
My hangar seems to have one - and it has a VC!
And there's a PAD one in there too I see...
Umm, did we not have a POSKY CRJ900, about a year ago??
My hangar seems to have one - and it has a VC!
More like about six years ago. I still have it. The new one has more and more accurate animations. The older one's VC was good for its time, but nowhere near today's standards. The new one has wing flex, the front cargo doors open correctly (out and down, not in and up like the rear cargo door), plus a few other little details.

The only quibble I have with it so far is the autothrottle arming switch needs to be activated in the [autopilot] section.

And since this one doesn't have a VC, you have the freedom to swap out the panel. Just remember though, if you do that you need to copy over the XML animation and POsky Utility gauges and their gauge lines from the current panel.

Also, if you have the FPDA reverse warning lights, you can add them to the [panel.0] section:
gauge41=FPDA_737_Reverser_Warning, 355, 46, 92, 37
Extraordinary...two versions of essentially the same aircraft from the same stable...and they are totally different models!

I hope somewhere, some time, someone is applying that kind of energy to a really good FS9 787 :d
Hiroshi is a fanatic about all things Boeing, so I have no doubt that we'll be graced with a 787 from POsky at some point.