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    Library How to

Project Tupolev Tu-154B-2 Being Updated for P3Dv4!


Charter Member
I periodically check (with the assistance of Google Translate) the "Russian Avsim" forums for the latest on any Russian/Soviet/CIS aircraft developments. Today, I discovered the following posted by someone named "seyco":


Well, the good news came up - I launched the C ++ code core in P3Dv4 under x64!

I tried it for a long time, the project did not compile. Today it took about 2 hours until I remembered what and how + I copied the project, threw everything except the kernel out of it because the compiler swears at all libraries that are under x86. I rummaged through the SDK examples, compared projects, changed something at home and earned the code. It turned out to be the easiest and fastest. Ahead to rewrite the sound stuffing, symconnect ... The rest of the code is universal and should work without changes (classic).

So there are plans to release immediately 2 models under FSX (x86) and under P3Dv4 (x64).
"Ну вот, появилась хорошая новость - я запустил ядро кода на С++ в P3Dv4 под х64!

Как-то давно пробовал, не компилировался проект. Сегодня ушло около 2-х часов пока вспомнил что и как + скопировал проект, выкинул из него все кроме ядра ибо компилятор ругается на все библиотеки, что под х86. Порылся в примерах SDK, сравнил проекты, кое-что изменил у себя и код заработал. Это оказалось самым простым и быстрым. Впереди переписывать начинку звука, симконнект... Остальной код универсален и должен работать без изменений (классика).
Так что в планах выпустить сразу 2 модели под FSX (х86) и под P3Dv4 (х64)."


There are a few pictures on this page: https://avsimrus.com/forum/topic/14...-с-нуля/page/56/?tab=comments#comment-3903032

There are also further images in the prior pages.

No idea on how close this would be to release, but it will presumably be free as the original was, but with high-resolution textures, and full functionality in P3Dv4.

For those unfamiliar, the original addon was a deep systems simulation of the Tupolev Tu-154B-2 tri-jet airliner from the Soviet Union / Russia, which debuted in the late 1970s.
the russians make some beautiful aircraft. Alas, I never learned to fly any of the virtual ones. Too much effort to master the Cyrillic cockpit.
It`s not old PT Tu-154 updated for P3Dv4. Seyco makes completely new model from from zero level since 2017. And it the will be paid.
So the Tu-154 is a new development. That’s good to know. In any case, looking forward to it.

That appears to just be the port of one version of the exterior model (I think the former SCS version) paired with the default Boeing 737 cockpit. I think most who have interest in the Tu-134 are waiting for the more accurate simulation.
Wonderful news. Has anyone heard if the Tupelov 114 is being converted so that it will work in P3Dv4? In many aspects, it was the most spectacular aircraft of it's day.Bill
No insight into the 114, but that was from a different developer. I believe some basic ports are out there though.

Again, for the 154, I now want to specify that it sounds like it’s an independent development NOT related to Project Tupolev, and it will be payware.

I think it will be interesting to you.



  • 2020-04-25_145102.jpg
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Initial version released: https://translate.google.com/transl...r-3d-%D1%81-%D0%BD%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8F/page/78/

Note: This is not actually a PT model despite my headline which I cannot change. This is an independently produced payware development.

This is very much a work in progress, and the author is going to continue development, to include guides in Russian and English. Also, it sounds like NVU navigation isn't all there yet. To quote a tester:

So far, only VOR (DME) and NDB navigation can be flown quite well using these means. NVU is in the process of development and will be in the next updates. In addition, a tablet will work on the pilot's panel, and in the future Sergey plans to implement a domestic analogue of FMS
Unfortunately, as for the moment, there is no functional navigation system in the aircraft apart from NDB and VOR. But seems there is some work on the RSBN system (in reality RSBN was mostly used for corrections, rather than primary navigation).

Author has promised NVU, so let's wait and see. Hopefully the third party KLN90 from the PT version can be integrated in the VC as an add-on, and connected to ABSU for international flights.

For realistic flights while waiting for proper navigation either use the PT Tu-154 on V3.4 or the Tu-134 developed by KAI31 for P3D V4.5-V5.
UPDATE: I have talked to the developer of this aircraft, and NVU navigation is close to be complete.Integration with KLN-90B GPS is also planned at a later stage, but I recommend you to buy the plane once NVU navigation is implemented as you can then fly realistic Tu-154 flights without any issues.Question to forum moderators: Why is Bulgaria blocked? I had to use a VPN to log in. Thought the last few weeks there was an issue with the site.