Projected Knowledge Base Idea - Global_Layer Basic Info


Charter Member
I suggest Global_Layer 101 and qclocations 101 information in "Projected Knowledge Base". This should be basic, beginner information.

If this information is already available, where is it?
IIRC there is some basic info on the GL (both csv and .lib) in the Terrain SDK. But it could be pulled out cleaned up and posted in the knowledgebase.
I suggest Global_Layer 101 and qclocations 101 information in "Projected Knowledge Base". This should be basic, beginner information.

Is there anything in particular you would like to know or is this just for general interest?


Projected Knowledge Base Idea - Global_Layer Basic Info

Thank you Daiwilletti and Clive. I am trouble-shooting three ETO ERA 4 Historical missions that "Fail to Load". I do not have the required Goal FacilityID="xxx". How to you fix this?

How do you work with items in the Global Layer folder? What are these items in the Global Layer folder?

Can you edit with notepad the global_layer.csv file? What is this file?

Can you edit with notepad the qclocations.xml file? What is this file?
Thank you Daiwilletti and Clive. I am trouble-shooting three ETO ERA 4 Historical missions that "Fail to Load". I do not have the required Goal FacilityID="xxx". How to you fix this?

How do you work with items in the Global Layer folder? What are these items in the Global Layer folder?

Can you edit with notepad the global_layer.csv file? What is this file?

Can you edit with notepad the qclocations.xml file? What is this file?

Hi renereimann,

What types of facility are missing? If airbase or era-specific facilities, this simply means that you have not successfully switched eras in ETO to ERA4. There are different Global Layer lists of facilities for each era, and the .bat file is supposed to swap out the global layer when the era swapper is run.

So you may not need to edit the .csv file, it may be a case of checking that the correct .csv file for ERA4 has been named "global layer.csv".

I cannot go into more detail at the moment as I am not at my CFS computer where ETO is installed.

Again ETO has numerous qclocations files, the era-specific file gets renamed when the eraswapper.bat is run. So care is needed before editing these files, because you might end up putting 1944 stuff into a different era's global layer and qclocations files by mistake.

QClocations can be edited by notepad. So can the .csv files but its easier to use MS Excel or similar, as notepad only uses commas to separate all the columns so it's very hard to see what you are doing to the .csv file in notepad.
Projected Knowledge Base Idea - Global_Layer Basic Info

Daiwilletti: Thank You! This is for ETO with SEPARATE INSTALLS for each ERA 1-5. This was the only way I could get ETO to run on my Windows 8.1 PC.

A CFS3 friend sent me ETO Rev. 1.50 which has added missions to all five ERA SEPARATE INSTALLS.

I do not think I have any missing facilities. I think I am missing the "<Goal FacilityID="xxx"". This is near the end of each mission file.
Some of the Goal facilities required in that ERA mission have to be listed in the Global_Layer.csv for them to work. You should check this in the global_layer folder for each separate ERA install.