prolem with P-51B_354FS_WR-A


Charter Member
When I attempt to use the P-51B_354FS_WR-A aircraft my game CTD.
what should I look for in order to make it work ?
Hi Gosd,

if its the first plane you have selected after starting the game, then check the sound file. if not the sound file then look at the weapons its calling for.

regards Rob.
The problem is in the .mos file.
Does anybody have a working .mos file for this a/c ?
Hi Gosd,

I've had a crack at trying to convert the mos file from Kerries original upload of the Malcolm hood P51B but have not been successful in getting it to work with Alain's modified model. game CDT each time.

However you can quite easily build a standalone of Kerries original and apply Alain's 354th skin and xdp effects edits etc to it. (which what I just did) and it displays in game quite well. although its not as shiny as the edited model Alain did.

from what I can see none of the standalones by Alain have a mos file included.

regards Rob.