Prop blotches and shared folders



I downloaded the Macchi Veltro aircraft, very nice plane exept that its prop makes this black blotch when in follow cam and inside the cockpit. Also I downloaded a Storch:mixedsmi: from Reg's hanger and don't know how to install the shared files. Same applies for 2 hurricanes and a stuka I got from there.
Help please.
I think the plotch is caused by a missing texture dds-file. The Italian aircraft have their own shared textures, which can be downloaded somewhere (can't remember, but I can send you a copy of mine)

the shared aircraft files you can just stick into the aircraft\shared folder, the model will find them there.....
If you look in the downloads section here, under "Other", there are two files for the IS4G aircraft entitled "IS4G shared" files and "Italian Gauges". That should do the trick.
Danke schön. Do you want my email for the dds.

if you don't find them in the SOH archive, please send an email and I return the files I am using, but I must first find them at home tonight......:ernae:....(its lemonade..:d.)
Well I downloaded it but have yet to see if it works, my cfs3 keeps freezing:banghead: