Propeller Problem


Born to fly...
Hello Gents

Here is a funny little problem that I am encountering from time to time, so I thought to ask the SOH "biological database" and see if somebody can illuminate me.

The problem is that in some twin aircraft, the propeller disk does not show against some backdrops in the airframe. If you look closely at the picture attached of one of the repaints I'm working on (CN-235 from Narcizo), you see that the left propeller disk does not show against the fuselage or the "hump", whilst it shows against the wing and the nacelle (The side is not really important as the problem shows in the other side when you look from there). The funny part is that the wing and fuselage are IN THE SAME texture. Also, for some reason, modifying the alpha channel in the propeller, makes it transparent, in opposition with the PAD's C-295 props that received exactly the same treatment and are fine.

In short, I'm totally puzzled (not difficult) about this thing, if someone can shed some light in the subject I'll be most grateful.

Thanks and saludos
If I'm not sadly mistaken, that is a glitch in the model having something to do with visiblity layers or some such. As such, the only fix is for the original author to make an edit to the source and re-compile.

I am afraid I don't have a solution for you; but I have seen similiar things happening when working with opaque (not transparent) canopies. The external cockpit windows for my Early Fairchild series are opaque, and often the fusalage interior walls do not show up when you are flying. I went to transparent windows in the VC for that very reason.

What parts show up and what parts do not seems to be dependent on when they are encountered in the model file when FS is building the image; as you noticed, it has nothing to do with the texture of the objects themselves.

I have not found a foolproof solution; you can do like the FSX folks have done with the propeller disk on ported FS9 aircraft and make the propeller disk as faint as possible. (As you noticed; making it transparent or a DXT1 file also works.) The problem in FSX is similiar; but had to do with cloud textures behind the prop disk not displaying.

If you are creating textures rather than building the model itself; there is nothing you can do with your textures to fix it; all you can do is play with the opacity of the prop disk texture to see if that helps.

From what I understand on this issue, the problem is keyed to the order in which the parts are drawn into jhefner stated. In this case, the wing hump is later in the parts order than the prop blur material...thus the wing hump has visibility priority over the prop blur. The only way to correct this is the rearrange the order of materials and parts in the MDL (in the original source code) and export a new MDL file.
