I have taken the leap into a new chapter of simming....into the wild world of being a developer. After spending the last 2 years or so painting, tweaking, modifying, repaneling other people's work, it was time for me to begin producing new work from scratch. Be assured that it will be a while before I produce anything of any quality as I have a lot to learn about the entire modeling and development gig. But I have begun! And as a wise man once said: The journey to the fridge for a cold beer starts with a single step.
I have opted to begin slowly and with something that even a blind Howler Monkey on crack could model...a V-2 Rocket. In about 45 minutes total modeling time, I have the fuselage, nozzle ring and two fins done....though the fins do have a hole in them that I have to figure out how to fix. Once I have the holes fixed, I will copy and paste and rotate to add on the final two fins, then do some work inside the nozzle ring so you can not see up into an emtpy tube. Then I will fire up Dave Eckhart's tute on creating texture templates, give this puppy some skin, finalize all the naming and hierarchies, and get this thing into a usable MDL. Or that is the plan.
I have opted to begin slowly and with something that even a blind Howler Monkey on crack could model...a V-2 Rocket. In about 45 minutes total modeling time, I have the fuselage, nozzle ring and two fins done....though the fins do have a hole in them that I have to figure out how to fix. Once I have the holes fixed, I will copy and paste and rotate to add on the final two fins, then do some work inside the nozzle ring so you can not see up into an emtpy tube. Then I will fire up Dave Eckhart's tute on creating texture templates, give this puppy some skin, finalize all the naming and hierarchies, and get this thing into a usable MDL. Or that is the plan.