Psycho Psym has begun


Retired SOH Admin
I have taken the leap into a new chapter of simming....into the wild world of being a developer. After spending the last 2 years or so painting, tweaking, modifying, repaneling other people's work, it was time for me to begin producing new work from scratch. Be assured that it will be a while before I produce anything of any quality as I have a lot to learn about the entire modeling and development gig. But I have begun! And as a wise man once said: The journey to the fridge for a cold beer starts with a single step.

I have opted to begin slowly and with something that even a blind Howler Monkey on crack could model...a V-2 Rocket. In about 45 minutes total modeling time, I have the fuselage, nozzle ring and two fins done....though the fins do have a hole in them that I have to figure out how to fix. Once I have the holes fixed, I will copy and paste and rotate to add on the final two fins, then do some work inside the nozzle ring so you can not see up into an emtpy tube. Then I will fire up Dave Eckhart's tute on creating texture templates, give this puppy some skin, finalize all the naming and hierarchies, and get this thing into a usable MDL. Or that is the plan.

Fins are fixed and finalized. Now I just need to plug the hole in the bottom of the nozzle, name the parts according to the FS2004 SDK and get this into the sim for a test run.

Fins are fixed and finalized. Now I just need to plug the hole in the bottom of the nozzle, name the parts according to the FS2004 SDK and get this into the sim for a test run.
A new FS2004 modeller?
It's a bold step and a brave one...not to mention, a very welcome one! :applause:
Don't hesitate to call for test volunteers, I can crash anything...
If we created two simple AFCADs could we use it as AI?
I know it would try and land like a plane but I would think it could launch very easily.

Would at least be an interesting exercise.

Nice looking btw
This model is destined to become a scenery bgl. Maybe when I get better at modeling I will make the mobile launcher to go with it. It has no animations, the MDL is only 48k as a result of the simplicity of the modeling.

I did export it as a working aircraft MDL and have had it in FS2004. I used the dynamics from the freeware Alpha Sim F-105 to get the V-2 flying. Still untextured at this point....attempted to do the texturing but I botched it pretty bad by getting ahead of the process.

you followed my path in FSDS OBIO, i built a V-2 as well as a test, then learnt to map it, and now i'm making colombian drug processing plants for some scenery i'm working on :icon_lol:
heres an example of a texture i'm working on for my Colombian Raids scenery, this one is post raid... (i'm making some pre-raid you fly into, and some post out of)....


Obio if you ever need any help with FSDS Just ask :wiggle: myself and others that use it will gladly help you out :jump:
Great job, OBIO! :applause:

You know that there's a quite nice freeware scenery of Peenemuende and the whole Usedom island?

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Scenery FS2004 Scenery--Usedom Update
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 1,429,234 Date: 12-21-2005 Downloads: 1,752
FS2004 Scenery--Usedom Update. Bug fix and update for USEDOM5.ZIP and USEDOM5M.ZIP. The island Usedom located northeast of Germany. Airports in the scenery are EDAH, EDCP, EDCA, EDBY, Mellenthin and EDUW. The update adds the airport Szczecin-Goleniow (EPSCS). The sceneryis specially made for visual flight over the countryside. By Georg Karbowski and Michael Spengler.[/SIZE]
FS2002 - FS2002 Scenery FS2002/FS2004 Scenery--Usedom5
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 8,791,254 Date: 08-06-2005 Downloads: 2,842
FS2002/FS2004 Scenery--Usedom5. Scenery of the beautiful Island Usedom in northeast Germany. Contains Airport Heringsdorf (EDAH), Peenmunde (EDCP), Anklam (EDCA), Schmoldow (EDBY), UL-Airfield Mellenthin and old military airport Tutow (EDUW). The scenery is specially made for visual flight over the countryside, with many objects inviting you to visit. Now the area of Swinemunde is also included. By Georg Karbowski and Michael Spengler. (See also USEDOM_U.ZIP) (Previous version had 3972 downloads.)[/SIZE]
Awesome OBIO! Welcome aboard the department of development!

:applause: :medals: :applause:

Great looking V2.

Making models is very addictive. Please dont give up the other cool things in life like taking walks, hiking, etc. Keep balance and harmony in your life. Sometimes, this can get so addictive, that you will rarely come out of your office. Days will last minetes and you can literally watch the sun rise, start work, and find yourself looking at the time, and its 8PM, just like that...

I made my start in FSDS. Great program, easy to use.
