PTO Rising Sun Question ?


Charter Member
Anyone have any luck installing PTO-RS in win10 home. Have not been able to get the selector to work. Quit after 4 tries.Have it in program files (x86) and still no luck. Screen goes away during loading. Any Help ?
Thought i followed instructions and no luck. Is this a problem with win10 ? Had it installed on my old win7 64bit pc and it worked fine. Too nice of a install to pass up if possible.
For the record, it works in Win10, but I installed it so long ago (possibly in Win7) that I forget any trouble I may have had to overcome. Sorry I can't help but did want to make it clear that it does work in Win10.
Thanks , Tried to reinstall From Win7 to Win10. Must be pathways to app/data . Will work on it some more. Good to know it works on win 10. Absolutely hate win10....but i'm learning.:banghead: LoL !
Hi I have PTORS running in Windows 10. I don't recall doing anything different from what you have to do for all installs in win 10, like doing compatability settings, etc.

One thing is I use different .bat files for setting theatres, I have uploaded the bat files here at SOH.

As a troubleshooting thing, perhaps firstly try to run PTORS without Ankors shaders installed?
Though my CFS 3 files are loaded on the "C" drive and not in the (x86) directory, when Win 10 updated recently all my CFS 3 programs stopped working (brief flash screen then quit). It appeared that in the config file all the screen resolutions had been set to something like 640 x 480, so I reset them, each individually, to match my screen resolution and then they all started working again.
Got PTO-Rising Sun installed and tested. Success ! Very straight forward . Ankor's shaders really add a lot to it. Maybe win.10 isn't too awful after all.It works ....kicking and screaming !:very_drunk: Cheers,Scott
I have an old install of PTO I fly, I deleted my RS install because I didn't like the look/feel of it. Is PTO-RS some kind of mashup of the two?
It is set up kinda like the ETO expansion. Covering the early years of the War in the Pacific it is based on the rise of the Japanese Empire . Regards,Scott