Talon Members + Aug 15, 2013 #1 I finally got it working on my new computer.Now it's back to AVG and CATF ( China Air Task Force ) which the AVG became July 4,1942.
I finally got it working on my new computer.Now it's back to AVG and CATF ( China Air Task Force ) which the AVG became July 4,1942.
Led Zeppelin Charter Member Aug 16, 2013 #4 Talon said: CATF ( China Air Task Force ) Click to expand... Looking forward to this one.
Talon Members + Aug 18, 2013 #6 CATF I have 9 missions for July 1942 done so far with 3 or 4 more to do.I will then start on August. Of course these missions are historical and there might be 30 of them. I made a template with airfields in the right locaions and have placed docks and ports at Canton and Hong Kong. AVG I have docks and ports at Rangoon and plan on adding some at other locations when I get back to it. PNG I have a template for Port Morseby that adds new facilties to build up the area.It's still a WIP.
CATF I have 9 missions for July 1942 done so far with 3 or 4 more to do.I will then start on August. Of course these missions are historical and there might be 30 of them. I made a template with airfields in the right locaions and have placed docks and ports at Canton and Hong Kong. AVG I have docks and ports at Rangoon and plan on adding some at other locations when I get back to it. PNG I have a template for Port Morseby that adds new facilties to build up the area.It's still a WIP.