PTO Solomons Download Links, Comments, Questions


Is build 1.54 a new one? I mean, I have already PTO installed for about 6 months. I wonder if I already have it...:isadizzy:


If you have Rabaul in your install you have 1.54 installed.


Is build 1.54 a new one? I mean, I have already PTO installed for about 6 months. I wonder if I already have it...:isadizzy:


Gilbert Island Missions problem

Can't get these missions to work, PTO Solomons goes to desk top. Install calls for NEK. What is it and where is it? I have all the other "stuff" installed. Also, where is GroundCrew Spawn Disabler? What is that needed for? I looked at these missions with MB and noticed that many of the facilities objects were "unidentified" even though by type (palm tree, etc) they exist in my Facilities folder. Is this a clew?
Can't get these missions to work, PTO Solomons goes to desk top. Install calls for NEK. What is it and where is it? I have all the other "stuff" installed. Also, where is GroundCrew Spawn Disabler? What is that needed for? I looked at these missions with MB and noticed that many of the facilities objects were "unidentified" even though by type (palm tree, etc) they exist in my Facilities folder. Is this a clew?

These missions will not work in PTO. They were built for CFS 3 a couple of years before Solomons PTO came out. I would not install them at all, just delete and discard them.

Thx O-1. What about the Island Invasion mission? Can that be run in PTO?
Hi guys

I'm wondering if weather and time of day can be changed in the Solomon install? If so... how? Going to location and selecting cloud type and time of day isn't working for me. :banghead:
Yes in quick combat you can choose day or night only. Morning = daytime, Afternoon = night. CFS3 is hard coded for the european theater GMT. You should be able to change the weather in QC.

In the missions you can change the time of the mission to any hour of day. But because CFS3 is based on GMT you have to adjust the time to GMT time. You can use the following link to convert the time to Solomon Islands time.
Thanks for clarifying my confusion.
The Solomons is clearly a great stand alone favorite place to dogfight challenging AI.
Have you taken a look into this Website!

Take a look into this Website and tell me what you think about it!

Perhaps you could make us some Japanese planes for us in future. Its all up to you but this Sims does have a great shortage of this type of planes. They are a ton of fun to fly with it you will only make this Sim better, more diverse and better in representing World war two its totality CFS3 style!:jump:

This is only a opinion
Yes in quick combat you can choose day or night only. Morning = daytime, Afternoon = night. CFS3 is hard coded for the european theater GMT. You should be able to change the weather in QC.

In the missions you can change the time of the mission to any hour of day. But because CFS3 is based on GMT you have to adjust the time to GMT time. You can use the following link to convert the time to Solomon Islands time.

Not to question your knowledge, but in MAW when flying a quick ALL the daytime options are available. Why is that?

Not to question your knowledge, but in MAW when flying a quick ALL the daytime options are available. Why is that?


If I understood correctly it is because the theatre is more or less contained in the same time zone or at least in a tolerance of +/- 1 hour, but this is only my own opinion.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not find a campaign in PTO. Was there or is there a plan for one?
Pto launch

I recently had a system crash that caused me to restore my XP OS. This, of course, led to the reinstallion of everything, including the PTO series. I was able to reinstall CFS3 to its latest revision. I have accessed MAW, DPC Korea, and ETO without problems.

Yet each time I have tried to launch PTO, the program will freeze. I have recompiled the program from its 1.0 beginnings to its latest version. Yet it will freeze even after initializing the first launch via a FREE Fly.

If I Crtl/Alt/Del. The task manager will send me back to desktop eventually. There is an error bar message of length corresponding to PTO that I did save as a bmp. I do receive audio (Glenn Miller "In the Mood") in the background with the pilot frozen in front of a F4U.

So why does the program freeze? It had launched well in its former life. I am now XP Service Pack 3. CFS3 does launch as do the other exended programs such as DPC Korea. But PTO will initiate a launch, with some warnings that a guns and search light file are in conflict, or already in use, the screen will go dark, but WITHOUT the standard CFS3 video launch. Upon the striking of the match sound, I will receive a picture of an A6M over a fleet which will then transition to the main selection screen. Upon a Free Flight selection, the program will launch. But it will freeze at mission selection. A .bmp photo of the error message was taken, but could not be attached to this message. Advice toward repair is most welcome.