PTO Solomons Windows 10 Installation


Downloaded and installed PTO Solomons, ran MultiCFS3, installed no-disk CFS3.exe.
Tried to run and got the following errors. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Yet you have run multicfs3.exe? That is strange. Is the desktop shortcut to cfs3 set to XP SP3 compatibility, and run as Administrator? Are those files referred to in the errors actually present (they should be in the root path of your install)?

What happens when you run cfs3config.exe? Is the correct PTO folder appearing in the AppData/Roaming/Microsoft pathway?
Copy those over from your "vanilla" CFS3 folder. The installation program does not always bring all the .dll's over. It may be a Windows 10 thing but I have run into it several times
Copy those over from your "vanilla" CFS3 folder. The installation program does not always bring all the .dll's over. It may be a Windows 10 thing but I have run into it several times

Thanks for the advice, I think that part worked. Each time I tried starting up PTO I got another error for another DLL file (which I continued to copy over from vanilla CFS3).
Finally I got the PTO to start booting up but then I got this error:


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Yet you have run multicfs3.exe? That is strange. Is the desktop shortcut to cfs3 set to XP SP3 compatibility, and run as Administrator? Are those files referred to in the errors actually present (they should be in the root path of your install)?

What happens when you run cfs3config.exe? Is the correct PTO folder appearing in the AppData/Roaming/Microsoft pathway?

Thanks for the reply. I'm sorry, I don't know how to determine the XP SP3 compatibility or running as Administrator items that you mentioned here.

When I run cfs3config.exe I get this error:

Now, I know the actual path is Program Files (X86), so this error is technically true.

I do have a PTO folder in the AppData/Roaming/Microsoft pathway with Campaigns, Missions, QuickCom, and Weather folders. But it does not have the CFS3.xca, ConfigOverrides.xml, DefaultOverrides.xml, uisel.xml, UnlimitedPilots.xml, ViewUI.xml files that exist in my ETO and MAW folders.


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