Here's a 'Pushback' gauge that can be installed with L & R turning.
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Panels FS2004 Gauges--Pushback/Taxispeed Control
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Name: Size: 438,974 Date: 07-04-2005 Downloads: 7,044
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Gauges--Pushback, Taxispeed Control, etc. This archive contains v4.0 of the "ground handling" gauges, like automated pushback with conversation sounds, a taxi speed controller using throttle and brake settings, an arming switch that activates taxispeed after a landing (including setting flaps, spoilers, autobrakes off), brakes sound, etc., and can be added to any FS2004 aircraft panel. New in v4.0: 1. Better sound mechanism (using Doug Dawsons XMLsound gauge), with advantages: individually adjustable sound volumes; no more "mis-use" of the ADF1 frequency, so no more sound on/off function needed. 2. Reworked bitmaps and code. 3. State-dependant tooltips. 4. Straight pushback before turn is now in meters instead of seconds. By Rob Barendregt. (Previous version had 5749 downloads.)