QC and CTD uisel issues


I have noted on one of my installs where we have removed all but the P47s from the stock install; and even that seems to be masquerading as a Canadian Defiant NF masquerading as a P47!:wiggle::dizzy:; that if I use another aircraft in QC, The install CTDs the next time I start it. Playing missions has no effect. I suspect Daiwilletti is the man most likely to know what the issue is. I sort of suspect it's tied to the masquerades, but I note BoB has done away with the P47 completely in QC, even though it is present in the aircraft folder; Clive??

Meanwhile, as I think I have said elsewhere, I keep a uisel file on my desktop, and paste it into the Appdata folder. This uisel file already has setting for realism hard and my X56 throttle .xca file. The reason; if one simply deletes the uisel, the rebuilt one by the game will have only medium realism and CFS3 stock control .xca loaded up, which have to then be altered in the in game settings.
To prevent one of the required base install aircraft like the P-47 from showing up takes an edit of the air file. It has an entry near the top called "aircraft category" that is set to 0 for playable aircraft, and 2 for non-playable.
Well, all my P47air files are set at 2. In my TOW1 install, the P47 shows up on the Movie UI and QC but not on the in game aircraft list as no US aircraft do. Instead it seems to be a Canadian Defiant NF. However if I choose to fly in QC without choosing the Canadian aircraft, the P47 flies (in spite of aircraft type=2). Once I choose the Defiant, that flies, and then the next time I start the install it CTDs

It can't be because we have no USA country as the BoB Mk1 doesn't have a USA country in it's QC list and no P47 there either.:dizzy:
Hi James, I'm not sure where you are up to with this. Some thoughts - some of my installs I have a uisel.xml file in the root of the install as well as in the AppData pathway. I read somewhere that if you set up a folder called "default" in the root of the install, you can put files in there that you want CFS3 to read. I wonder what would happen if you put your preferred uisel.xml file into a "default" folder? It would be interesting to see whether, after deleting the uisel in the AppData pathway, CFS3 rebuilt the file using the one in the default folder.

As for nationalities, after lots of testing I've come to the conclusion that NO aircraft are essential for CFS3 to run successfully. Despite the approach taken in CFS3 BoB, I've modified my BoB installs to run with only German, Italian, British and Britain-faa aircraft - not a p47 in sight! Country.xml and pilotconstants settings are important to achieve this. Also the nationalities in the default mission (usually a campaign file) set in the (game.xml?) file. Not sure if its game.xml - not at my CFS3 computer its one of the two generic xml files anyway.

Oh, and don't forget that when deleting the uisel.xml in the AppData pathway, you should delete the "_mission.xml" file as well.
Hi David,

I hope all is well in NZ.

1. Explain more on "! Country.xml and pilotconstants settings are important to achieve this...."

2. "you should delete the "_mission.xml" file as well." I will check on that!