
Charter Member
Having this problem;
When I try changing the location in QC the game shuts down.:frown-new: It does this in every ERA, my aircraft is locked on the deck of the HMS Eagle carrier.
Still having a problem with QC in ETO; in every era the QC location is locked on RAF Fowlmere, the moment I try changing the location the game shuts down.:dizzy:
Hi Gosd,

try deleting the uisel file located in the application data folder.

The other thing is to make sure the flight type is set to free flight, or if on dog fight or intercept etc make sure the enemy aircraft selection box's are populated with a plane type. I've found sometimes when changing era's that the airbase selection box does not have a valid airbase selected (not all era's have the same airfield locations) and aircraft selection box's are empty, and if you try to start a flight he game CTD. populating the fields with an airfield and aircraft fix's that.


regards Rob.