Quality of FLIR..


Sorry but a few questions about FLIR in P3D.
- Are there any aircraft that are FLIR capable in P3D..?
- Do you require TacPac in order to tap into FLIR along with an aircraft like the VRS Superbug...?
- Do light conditions have an effect where FLIR is not capable of seeing objects..?
- How are objects deemed viewable with FLIR..?

Its a option „turn on” in the sim, so You can use on default aircraft like Maule for example ;> (whole screen recives FLIR function, no VC). I havent TacPack for P3Dv4. NVG works also. Its gadget here. I didnt see implementation in panel on VC (btw.it will be nice, for example in civil Cirrus of Carenado, this plane has FLIR option).
Marayadi MV-22 Osprey available on fsdeveloper is FLIR capable but I think (not sure) it requires VRS Tacpack to work and I also think Dino F-35 is also capable
...just to clarify the F-35 EOTS (Electro-OPtical Targeting System) capability on my F-35.
The default version that comes with P3Dv3 and v4 uses the default P3Dv3 FLIR functionality and displays the view in the TFLIR page - but it is fixed (it just points forward).
The payware version uses Tacpack to drive the sensor orientation so it does follow the targets or the velocity vector or just points forward *BUT* requires Tacpack (currently not available for P3Dv4).
more questions..

Just to confirm FLIR in P3D is a whole screen or nothing affair.
No VC or scaled windows available.

Is TACPAC FLIR and P3D FLIR different in what it shows you...?

With TACPAC that is what gives you FLIR in a VC...?
And that is possible in both P3D & FSX...?

With "Payware F35" you get tracking, but you need both it and TACPAC, so its the same as what VRS offers.?

Is anyone using NVG in aircraft..?
As stated by Naruto-kun, the capability in P3D is there - and it is up to aircraft developers to integrate it in the aicrafts.

Just to be a little more technical, P3D can implement a number of post-processing filters to 3D views (see P3D SDK Camera post-processing) - which can be added as additional view to any aircraft: they can be put on a separate window, or part of the VC) - more information here:

...of course this is for more "advanced" users.

As for the F-35, the only reason why it requires Tacpack is that you cannot drive the camera orientation in XML code (and the whole F-35 avionics are based on XML) - while Tacpack provides a convenient XML interface to do that.