Quandry over Altering Facilites?


Charter Member
I would like to be able to alter some of the stock facilities so they all don't look the same when flying either in free flight or during QC or during Campaign Missions.

I have been able to alter the stock facilites to my liking by moving and relocating Buildings, Vehicles, and Artillary pieces to where I want them to be, then renaming the facilities to a different name.

Examble: "military_weapon_v1" to "military_weapon_v1a" and doing the same to the 'v2 site" and then altering the names in the "global_layer csv
file" by using note pad to the ones I altered. Then having it rebuilt by the "CFS3 Terrain SDK GlobalLayer" utility.

However when I go fly over the altered facilities they will show up without any distinctive borders as the stock ones.

Is there a reason for this? When I replace the stock facilities with my altered ones they will show the modifications that were made to them.

I sure would like to see all of the stock facilities to be different from one another instead all of them being the same. Regardless of which one I fly over or do attacks on.

Just a curiousity about CFS3 that if some fellow member can explain to me how to get around.

Thanks in advance to anyone who responds to this thread. :wiggle:
There is a mosaic tile that goes with the facility. I learned this when I made the Toko-Ri pack. You will need the .mos editor to build one. Or, you can use the mosaic from the old one and just live with the stock ground tile that goes with it. If you get the mos editor, just name the tile in the same way to match your new facility and it should work.
:kilroy:Dlawrence 1950, I would not recommend merely renaming any facilities files, and/or moving them in-game. If you try to use any pre-made missions, your game may well lock up if the mission tries to find facilities files that are no longer there.

My advice would be to copy a facility, re-name it, and then modify its internal workings to your liking. This can then be placed back into your facilities folder and placed anywhere you need it with respect to any new missions.:d
Hi DL, Great to see new folks having a go at modding! :)

Yep, you'll need to get the mos editor up and running first, this has been discussed recently on this thread:


For each facility there is a .mos file. This defines the ground texture (s) You'll need a mos file to match each of your new facilities - "military_weapon_v1a" etc.
Once you've done that you can alter/replace the ground textures that the files call up.

The stock mos files are in the lcmosaic zip in the terrains folder. Any new ones you make can be put in a new folder named to your choice and placed in the cfs3 root directory.

Pat :)
Thanks for the Info Guys Regarding my Thread!

Once I have done the modifing to my new stock facilities and then using the "MOSEditor supplied with the "CFS3 Terrain SDK" Tools to get the correct ground textures for the facility I altered.

Then do I just add it into the "lcmosaic file" with my WinZip program?

Thanks gentlemen for the input let me go read the previous thread that Pat Pattle mention in his post.

Then do I just add it into the "lcmosaic file" with my WinZip program

Nope, you don't need to :) In your main CFS3 directory just create a new folder and name it something eg 'Modded_Facilities' or whatever and place all the new mos files and textures in there. Ideally create sub-folders in it, one for each facility. This is how we arranged all the new airfields in the ETO install.

Getting all of the Neccesary Tools

I have been in the process of trying to download all of the Utilities and Tools to Run "CFS3 Terrain SDK" "Mosaic Editor".

I have ran into the same problem as "chriscponymous" thread discussed when I tried to use the "SDK MOSEditor" utility it kept giving me the error message "An initialization error has occured. Please ensure you have Managed DirectX 9 or greater installed."

Then Pat Pattle mentioned in his post to the thread to get "Paint.NET" since it was free and it worked good for him; however when I clicked on his linked to the site there are two versions the first being "Paint.Net V3.36" released on August 26th, 2008" at 1.6mb and the second one "Paint.Net V3.5 Beta 2" released on October 1st, 2009" at 4.8mb.

Which one should I download?

Also getting the required ".NET Framework" utility from MS and then making sure it is installed before the "Managed DirectX 9" program. "hairyspin" is using the 2.0 version where do I get this one from?

After getting all of these, do I need to Uninstall the "CFS3 Terrain SDK" utility before installing all of the other ones and then re-installing it afterwards?

I'm trying to understand all of the previous threads and posts so I can do some remodding of the stock facilities to my liking and then install them into my game. Other than where the stock ones are listed in the Global Layer file.

Trying to understand all this can drive a person to a mental breakdown.

:isadizzy: :blind: :pop4:
Trying to understand all this can drive a person to a mental breakdown.

:isadizzy: :blind: :pop4:

Hello dlawrence! I'm currently on NET Framework 3.5 and you'll get this from MS (although it doesn't matter if you're running version 1.1, 2.0, or 3.0 already):-

Then make sure your machine is running DirectX 9.0c, latest version:-

Then get and install Managed DirectX:- http://download11.com/download/mdxredist.msi

But none of this is of any use unless you're running XP - sorry no Vista or Windows 7 :banghead:
Then Pat Pattle mentioned in his post to the thread to get "Paint.NET" since it was free and it worked good for him; however when I clicked on his linked to the site there are two versions the first being "Paint.Net V3.36" released on August 26th, 2008" at 1.6mb and the second one "Paint.Net V3.5 Beta 2" released on October 1st, 2009" at 4.8mb.

Either one is ok DL. :) The Beta versions usually have the odd bug-fix, nothing to worry about.
Thanks for the Locations and Info

I am running WindowsXP with all of the updates thru Microsoft.

I'll start downloading all of the required components and see how things go with MOSEditor.

Cheers and well wishes for all.

:ernae: :applause:
Success in Getting CFS3 Terrain SDK MOSEditor to work.

After all of the reviewing of the posts on this thread and others regarding using the CFS3 Utility MOSEditor and downloading all of the neccessary programs needed in order for it work. It does! :icon_lol:

Now I just need to read the information included with the utility that shows how it works and what can be done with it.

I have also installed the programs Paint.Net 3.36 that Pat Pattle mentioned he uses, along with the Microsoft Program "DXSDK_Mar09".

Now I hope that I can create some altered and new facailities for CFS3.

However if I do run into some more problems or issues with the program at least I will know where to come for directions and insight.

:medals: :pop4: :monkies: