Question about AI


Charter Member
I know basically nothing about AI. I like to see it especially marine traffic though. Well, I sometimes use Marcus Brunner's traffic program. I wrote to him to see if it works on marine traffic also and he said no. I've tried to look and it's just difficult to tell. Anyway, it seems to me there should be a way to get it to work with boats because they're just like aircraft. I think if a boat could be setup to use only sea ports and a zero altitude it would work fine. Does anybody know if it's possible to do that and, if it is, how? Thanks for any help.
I know basically nothing about AI. I like to see it especially marine traffic though. Well, I sometimes use Marcus Brunner's traffic program. I wrote to him to see if it works on marine traffic also and he said no. I've tried to look and it's just difficult to tell. Anyway, it seems to me there should be a way to get it to work with boats because they're just like aircraft. I think if a boat could be setup to use only sea ports and a zero altitude it would work fine. Does anybody know if it's possible to do that and, if it is, how? Thanks for any help.

I know nothing about Marcus Brunners' program. But you can most certainly make traffic files for marine craft, it works just fine.

Someone made a beginners guide to ai boat traffic files but I cant remember who it was. I'll bet someone out there remembers.
Yeah, marine AI works pretty much the same as aircraft AI. I remember that marine AI package. [SIZE=-1]Holger Sandmann made it, and it's called the [/SIZE]FS2004 Starter Kit For AI Ships And Boats.

You'll need the standard utilities, AFCAD and Traffic Tools. The instructions that come with AFCAD and TT will teach you all you need to know about AI, and the instructions that come with the AI Ship starter kit will show you how to apply that information to ships and boats.

"[SIZE=-1]FS2004 Starter Kit For AI Ships And Boats. Bored of AI traffic in the skies? Try these AI ships, which move independently throughout San Francisco Bay, with custom wake effects. Ships included are L & B Lyons' Garwood Cruiser and Mike Hill's Bark Endeavour. Richard Hogen's LA Class sub requires an additional download. Easy installation! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Tips and tricks for adding your own "shipping lanes" anywhere in the FS world[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]. By Holger Sandmann.[/SIZE]"

It's at
Marine AI models work really well on the ocean since it's considered flat in the FS9 mesh system.

Inland waterways can be a bit more tricky.

Basically you have the models "taxi" on very long, very extended taxiway links. Once they reach the hold short node, well......

The key is to just make really, really long taxi routes so that practically they never reach the end.