Question about hyperthreading in P3Dv3.3 ?


Should hyperthreading be on or off in P3D v3.3 ? Running a I7-4770K on a Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD3H . Had a stable 4.0 then 4.2 OC(with H2O cooling) then stability issues slowly creeped in . Reverted BIOS to default 3.5 and one of these days when I get the patience I will start bumping it back up again but going to remain at default for the near future . Actually default with a GTX 770 4GB runs P3D v3.3 pretty good so I may not mess with OC again . Sorry back to hyperthreading , I've always turned it off but reading several articles lately some (?) are leaving it on in P3Dv3.3 . Not asking for a long explanation here was just curious if others were using similar hardware and specs as I and what benefits with it on or off .

Semper Fi !

Hard to answer.
On the various FS forums, on that topic you can read anything and its contrary. I've read many topics and I could never come to a conclusion.
In the end, best thing would be to make your own test and see how your sim reacts.
Some people get better performance with HT off, some others get improvements with HT on...

The only common conclusion though, is that enabling the hyperthreading does increase the VAS usage to some extend, leading to easier crashes due to out of memory (OOM) errors.
Thanks for the reply Daube .I think I'll try it on for a while and play around with it both ways .

With an Intel 6 core 12 thread CPU I ran with HT OFF, but with a 4 core 8 thread CPU...HT ON! Please see signature for specs!