Question about installing the PTO addon



I am fairly new here, and I would like to know whether the same precautions are needed to install PTO in Windows 7 64 bit as is needed for the ETO expansion.

I followed the ETO instructions to the letter, and am very pleased with the results so far. If there are any enhancements available for it, I would love to know.

It's looking great, but being an FSX user, I guess I'm a bit spoiled...:redf:

Thanks a million in advance!

There are Many Upgrades for PTO and ETO and MAW , and CFS3 made now by the Masters.

In the CFS3 effects downloads are some Great things along with in the Scenery downloads section are more.
Many of the missions packages have also New items and effects for each expansion..
Check the various downloads sections and you will be impressed I do believe..

The lists of upgrades have reashed a High point for our beloved expansions with more coming from the Masters..
There are instuctions in the forum here for install in Win 7 for PTO, Rising Sun, ETO etc..

Installation guides for ETO and Rising Sun

Take the same care loading PTO as you did for ETO 1.40 and all should be well.
If you need advice there are many here willing to help out..

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do..
Thanks for the pointer and advice HouseHobbit!

Would it be too much to ask for a link list of enhancements made for ETO and PTO? I saw some pics of you flying inverted through the CFS3 world and the trees and so forth looked brilliant! I've got ETO as far as 1.3, but am totally unaware of 1.4.

BTW, I thought that CFS3 + Firepower was fun, but ETO is just awesome! I would just love to get some improvements for the ground textures, clouds and so forth.

I tried installing firepower into ETO, but that ruined everything... Ground textures became blurry and firepower aircraft made the sim crash... Sad really!

if only we could get CFS3 to behave like FS9 or FSX with the whole world covered!

Take care,

Thanks for the pointer and advice HouseHobbit!

Would it be too much to ask for a link list of enhancements made for ETO and PTO? I saw some pics of you flying inverted through the CFS3 world and the trees and so forth looked brilliant! I've got ETO as far as 1.3, but am totally unaware of 1.4.

BTW, I thought that CFS3 + Firepower was fun, but ETO is just awesome! I would just love to get some improvements for the ground textures, clouds and so forth.

I tried installing firepower into ETO, but that ruined everything... Ground textures became blurry and firepower aircraft made the sim crash... Sad really!

if only we could get CFS3 to behave like FS9 or FSX with the whole world covered!

Take care,


Here is the link for ETO/PTO download site..


Downloads/Third Party downloads/ETO/PTO Sim-outhouse Link

Download ETO 1.40 and install, there are many additions to this Sim..
Here at SOH and or from


Just a few..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Thx HH!!

I now have CFS3 + Firepower, ETO, PTO RS and Korea! I can go off blasting stuff to pieces! I'm a very happy camper indeed!

Here at SOH is a large section for our beloved CFS3 and expansions..

Gecko has some wonderful work in theCFS3 Other/ effects section;
CFS3 Environment for ETO, PTO, Rising Sun, MAW, CFS3, DPC Korea

And this, from Von Oben, Takes much effort to install but worth the work.

[FONT=Times New Roman,][SIZE=+1]7 Season Scenery for CFS3 ETO Expansion 1.40[/SIZE][/FONT]

In The SOH sections for CFS3 you will find many wonderful works from various Masters..
(and a few from a hobbit..)

Have a look around Here at SOH and the various links out there..
I am sure you will find many things of interest..
Too Many CFS3 sites to list them all..
OH yea!
Thanks Hobbit! You're a gentleman among Hobbits! :jump:

Still mastering the game(s), but having a lot of fun! I've read/heard that a Mossie is in the making (or even available). Being a great fan of overpowered twins, I would love to get my mits on that one!

There's a lot of pages to go through, but that too is fun.

And, being a Hartmann-fan, I always try to get as close to the targets as possible, with a few mid airs as a result! :icon_lol:

As soon as I feel comfortable about my abilities, I'll post some screenies!

Take care!

My first shot

I love the pfeil!

View attachment 93506

Great speed and firepower. Makes me love this sim more and more! BTW, the arrow is pointing at the B-24H that was going down after me hammering it! :jump: I just cannot believe what happened to CFS3 with the addons.
I guess you made a new convert HH!
