There were a couple of changes I needed to make to files after installing the Mk1 update. These may not be a problem for everyone: - these may be because I edited some files in the alpha version, so take care with these comments.
1. Pilotconstants.xml - in the ValidPilotCountries entry, make sure the list of countries matches those listed in the NEK_ETO.xml found in the campaigns folder.
2. Game.xml - My file had player in AI mode - in stock this parameter is set to "False" - but I may have modded it.
3. game.xml again, I had to change the default GSL to "CFS3Europe1940", not 1943. This matches with the global layer folder's files cfs3europe1940.xml, and the global layer entries in the QClocations.xml file. Check your files confirm this before changing - I may have made the edits to the files myself in the alpha version of BoB.
I also had doubled up entries when I installed the update, probably because I had renamed a couple of aircraft folders - Bob_110c6_eg210, Bob_Whitley_mkV
Airbase fix - I had the Manchester blow up against the hangar in the QC UI, there is a hangar position fix for larger bombers, did the update undo this somehow?