Question about Pat's BoB Update Fix ?


Charter Member
Any news about the update problem with Pat Pattle's BoB ? Haven't heard anything in a while. So far i recommend only using the original release till the mission problem is solved. I use a pre- release version update and it seems to work fine with no problems. Lost the update file somewhere but am searching for it.:banghead: Must be on a DVD somewhere. Still one of my favorite installs with lots of custom/reworked missions for it to keep me busy . Regards,Scott
Got it downloaded. Thank you ! Can't upload any more to Mediafire as my free account is full. Maybe someone else can help us out by uploading it and post a link to the BoB sticky. Regards,Scott
Possible issues with the campaign and missions.

The campaign won't load as it can't find the AI Ju-87, it also seems that various missions made for the alpha are having similar issues. On a similar note both versions of September 15th seem to be working fine, but the random spawns seem to be only using the Me-262. If anyone could check their installs to confirm whether or not these issues are on my end or not that would be appreciated.


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Sorry about that, here's the ju87 and Ju88 ai aircraft that you need for the campaign: ju87 &

Unzip them and drop then into the aircraft folder.

I've added the aircraft and that's allowed the campaign to load, however after a few seconds it crashes to desktop.

When are you seeing the Spitfire error message?

It appears when it tries to load the player aircraft for the mission, it falls, the message pops up, and then goes to the briefing with whatever aircraft was selected in quick combat or whatever. The BoB missions in the what if section have this issue, the anniversary missions also have the issue, however the new missions with the update don't seem to have the issue. Also it's not a Spitfire specific message, There's a Me-109 that sets off the message as well, I think there's other aircraft it won't load either but I don't remember off the top of my head.

No idea on the 262, will look into that.

Feel free to take your time, personally I find it quite amusing.
A Couple More Things

There were a couple of changes I needed to make to files after installing the Mk1 update. These may not be a problem for everyone: - these may be because I edited some files in the alpha version, so take care with these comments.

1. Pilotconstants.xml - in the ValidPilotCountries entry, make sure the list of countries matches those listed in the NEK_ETO.xml found in the campaigns folder.

2. Game.xml - My file had player in AI mode - in stock this parameter is set to "False" - but I may have modded it.

3. game.xml again, I had to change the default GSL to "CFS3Europe1940", not 1943. This matches with the global layer folder's files cfs3europe1940.xml, and the global layer entries in the QClocations.xml file. Check your files confirm this before changing - I may have made the edits to the files myself in the alpha version of BoB.

I also had doubled up entries when I installed the update, probably because I had renamed a couple of aircraft folders - Bob_110c6_eg210, Bob_Whitley_mkV

Airbase fix - I had the Manchester blow up against the hangar in the QC UI, there is a hangar position fix for larger bombers, did the update undo this somehow?
There were a couple of changes I needed to make to files after installing the Mk1 update. These may not be a problem for everyone: - these may be because I edited some files in the alpha version, so take care with these comments.

1. Pilotconstants.xml - in the ValidPilotCountries entry, make sure the list of countries matches those listed in the NEK_ETO.xml found in the campaigns folder.

2. Game.xml - My file had player in AI mode - in stock this parameter is set to "False" - but I may have modded it.

3. game.xml again, I had to change the default GSL to "CFS3Europe1940", not 1943. This matches with the global layer folder's files cfs3europe1940.xml, and the global layer entries in the QClocations.xml file. Check your files confirm this before changing - I may have made the edits to the files myself in the alpha version of BoB.

Airbase fix - I had the Manchester blow up against the hangar in the QC UI, there is a hangar position fix for larger bombers, did the update undo this somehow?

I've checked my install and these issues seem to be present, I've went ahead and made the changes to game.xml but not Pilotconstants yet, I'll report if that fixes anything whenever I do it as I imagine that might be what's causing the campaign issue. As for the duplicate aircraft that seems to be stuff that you did on your end. Another issue I've found is when loading quick combat it would crash when it tried to load enemy aircraft, so basically anything other then Test/Free Flight didn't work, but it can be fix by deleting whatever your AppData folder for BoB is.
Will take my time before installing update till it gets sorted out. Enjoy what i have. Plus we have the BoB in the ETO expansion and i have a bunch of custom missions for that also. Hope all gets sorted out as this is my favorite install for CFS3. Thanks for all the work and not forgetting about us BoB fans.Regards,Scott
There were a couple of changes I needed to make to files after installing the Mk1 update. These may not be a problem for everyone: - these may be because I edited some files in the alpha version, so take care with these comments.

1. Pilotconstants.xml - in the ValidPilotCountries entry, make sure the list of countries matches those listed in the NEK_ETO.xml found in the campaigns folder.

2. Game.xml - My file had player in AI mode - in stock this parameter is set to "False" - but I may have modded it.

3. game.xml again, I had to change the default GSL to "CFS3Europe1940", not 1943. This matches with the global layer folder's files cfs3europe1940.xml, and the global layer entries in the QClocations.xml file. Check your files confirm this before changing - I may have made the edits to the files myself in the alpha version of BoB.

I also had doubled up entries when I installed the update, probably because I had renamed a couple of aircraft folders - Bob_110c6_eg210, Bob_Whitley_mkV

Airbase fix - I had the Manchester blow up against the hangar in the QC UI, there is a hangar position fix for larger bombers, did the update undo this somehow?

I've checked my install and these issues seem to be present, I've went ahead and made the changes to game.xml but not Pilotconstants yet, I'll report if that fixes anything whenever I do it as I imagine that might be what's causing the campaign issue. As for the duplicate aircraft that seems to be stuff that you did on your end. Another issue I've found is when loading quick combat it would crash when it tried to load enemy aircraft, so basically anything other then Test/Free Flight didn't work, but it can be fix by deleting whatever your AppData folder for BoB is

Game.xml - My file had player in AI mode - in stock this parameter is set to "False This parameter is set to either true or false depending on what install I'm looking at, Korea, ETO,stock, there doesn't seem to be a reason to it, does anyone knowm what it means?

CFS3Europe1940 - I missed that one, or rather it's been changed along the way.

I had the Manchester blow up against the hangar in the QC UI - What airfield was this David? The large bomber fix was never applied to BoB, not that I'm sure that it would work anyway as there are no stock UK airfields.

And thanks for the input guys, I'm using this to put a patch together.



ps. Scott - check your pm. :)
Sounds great, and you're welcome!

I think I've done my part and I'll leave you to it then and get rid of these BoB headaches, and probably get a migraine from MAW instead, cheerio!

I don't think my post is much use to you. Because I couldn't tell which files were originals which I have tweaked, and which were updates.

The one file which seems to be an update is the country.xml, which is set for US spawns. Was there a reason for that? I tend to use Britain as the spawning allied nation, especially for the BoB era.
Set country.xml to Britain for Default Allied Nation

I've successfully flown missions and campaign missions after modifying the country.xml so that Britain is the default spawning nation.

But remember, because there are about 6 nations in the country.xml, and nations are randomly assigned to an Alliances' facilites in a campaign mission, you will sometimes see facilities without the called for vehicles because not all nations in the NEK_ETO.xml file in the campaign folder, have vehicles/ships etc. So, for example, invasion defences that you look at on a campaign mission are sometimes missing the harborguns, when CAI or Poland do not have harborguns in the vehicles folder.

here are the top few lines that are changed in the country.xml:

<!--NEK BoB Edition-->
<Defaults CountryID="Britain" PilotModel="Mackenzie"/>
<Alliance ID="Allies" Name="Allies">
<Country ID="USA"/>
<Country ID="Britain"/>
<Country ID="Britain_FAA"/>
<Country ID="Poland"/>
<Alliance ID="Axis" Name="Axis">
<Country ID="Germany"/>
<Country ID="CAI"/>
Just checking..... Hopefully things will get sorted out soon. Best news i've heard all year ! Long awaited ! Thanks Clive for all your work. Please let us know when it's all sorted out. Christmas seems to be coming early this year ! Thanks every one for investigating problems and offering fixes. My favorite add-on for CFS3 by far. Regards,Scott